Sunday, as always to me, is a reflectionary day – and my mom (well my dad emailed it as my mom doesn’t like using computers, hah) and I guess she knows from my blog that I am thinking a lot about future and strategy and shares poems with me from time to time for my motivation. The road not taken, …
Motivating My Staff – Is this Blog Confusing?
Some of the staff in Shenzhen have been getting demotivated and wondering what is the future, what is the end goal. I think that is because I have been traveling so much lately….away from the office in Shenzhen. They are wondering what is the future for them, what is going to happen. Am I too open on my blog? Does …
Foreign Companies Getting Squeezed for Pay Increases in China
Back to Shenzhen for a couple days now, and just been hearing all over about foxconn factory (the one where I blogged about the chinese factory suicides) HAS DOUBLED the salaries of their workers. Here is an article I read from a Taiwanese newspaper: Commercial Times: Victims of Foxconn pay hikes 2010/06/17 13:34:56 Taiwan-based Hon Hai Group, traded as Foxconn …
People Have to Make Their Own Mistakes in Life
In so many ways in life, i think the hardest transition for me is to “let go” and let others do something for themselves to learn. I think its because i have no patience, so i cant stand to watch someone else waste time or do something wrong that will cause issues further down the road. For example marie and …
Some Perspective On Selling Fake Products from China
I can remember back in High School days, maybe this is 1997 or 1998 (sophomore or junior year) and some classmates (i won’t disclose names) found a source of fake oakley sunglasses online and were buying them and sellling them on ebay, making some decent money. I remember looking at the poor quality fake product, and the O in Oakley …
Remembering the Days Preparing to go to School – GO, FIGHT, WIN
As I sit in the airport in manila, man, I am thinking of the past 3 hour bus, taxi, customs clearance battle. And that is what it is – a BATTLE. Then I remember back to grade school times, and waking up so early in the morning, maybe 7am – my mom would have prepared some hot oatmeal (I would …
Meeting Foreigners Who moved to philippines From China
Why does it seem every flight to and from the Philippines is so early in the morning? Caught a few hours sleep before waking up at 5am to head to the airport. The funniest thing i have seen here that i haven’t yet run into in other travels is the male urinals along the side of the road……but hey….i guess …
Guns Legal in Philippines – But Illegal in China
Bet that title caught your attention! Today I took a trip to the City Hall in Quezon City – it felt like a scavenger hunt going from different department, getting “revenue code” booklets (one office didn’t have them, another did – go to the 10th floor, and then go to the 3rd floor, etc) A funny thing I noticed was …
Research Opening a Company in the Philippines
Today spent the afternoon going to various Philippines government offices in Makati and Quezon City – trying to determine which, if any, form of corporate entity should be formed here at this moment. Currently I am utilizing the Philippines as a night call center for USA ecommerce businesses, mainly newyorkbarstore. Been getting more confident, and comfortable – as Marie has …
The Buck Stops Here – Just Making Things Work
So many times we are told “sorry sir, but what you are asking for is not possible”….or other forms of “no”. Our job in life is to turn no into yes! MAKE IT POSSIBLE. MAKE ANSWERS, not questions. In this blog title, i quote Harry Truman in his famous quote ” The Buck Stops Here” – Harry Truman I read …
I have to admit – Its Scary Sometimes….
Just left angeles city….had dinner with bas and tess and headed to bus station….they helped me figure out which bus to take….no ticket booth, just a ton of buses lined up with signs of their destination city in the front window. Cubao city is the closest one to my destination – quezon city – as per text messages between me …
Weekend Visit with Charlotte, my goddaughter
Since arriving to the Philippines Friday morning, its been an intense, high energy few days…..first of all, I didn’t sleep the night before since I had an early morning flight I figured I would just work straight through and go directly to the airport…..definitely a rockstar style….and I caught some ZZZs in the airplane (but only a 2 hour flight!). …
Funny Idea of Management Structure – But I Disagree
What is your management style? There are some funny cartoons and birds who can give you an idea of what coworkers may think.
Upcoming Travels to Philippines
Only a few days back in Shenzhen, and already preparing to head out to the Philippines again, this time to take care of some more detailed items at the new home office call center for nightly calls, banking flow, setup some computer and workflow procedures. Will definitely be a much more business trip. And I will be traveling to a …
We Just Have to Let Go – Resist Resistance
My friend Marshall from all jewish links sent me this article from Kaushik of Beyond Karma about LETTING GO of resistance. Just being who we are, not fearing it. Its about finding out who we are in life, and it seems that as technology, and civilization progress – people are made to feel they have to fit into the cookie …
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