Well, I am gonna rant a little bit, a bit of a short post, but hoping to get some comments and feedback. Maybe its not China wanting to unwelcome foreigners…but by the government controlling what is said, and how you can say it, it doesnt give foreigners that warm and fuzzing feeling inside. I guess while I am upset about …
Mixing Friends and Business
Dating girls in my high school – that was a mistake! It was a small catholic high school (Mary Immaculate Academy) and everyone knew everything about everyone. My first “girlfriend” was in my sophomore year in high school, I was a bit of a shy guy then, and she had a big crush on me. Asking all her friends what …
My Twitter Account Suspended – focus on facebook
So I have been pushing my twitter, facebook, and all other social media tools like no other over the weekend. I start to really realize connecting to friends online now is big business, and its not really friends anymore, its the new link trading and public relations. I have been saying how facebook is copying twitter, and that facebook will …
An American Spending July 4th in China
Spending my July 4th in China. Last year this time I was visiting USA for about a month. So this will be the first July 4th spent in China for me. Its a bit strange, as I have to remind staff and friends that its even some kind of a holiday! So I decided to write a blog about what …
Copying Products Overseas – Is it so bad?
Yes. this can be a sensitive topic. But hey, thats why I am picking it as a topic in the first place! And that is – how an original idea in one country may be copied overseas without any financial compensation or even a “thank you” to the founder. I, being born and raised in the USA, always was brought …
A blog – what you can and cannot say?
Feel a bit back to corporate world. What is a person allowed to say online? In an internet company, I think it is funny to show photos of people sleeping at the office (because they are working late that night), cute toys someone has, or jokes within a company. Doing these FUN things in a company environment: That builds a …
Door to door sales in China
It has been a bit more strange then expected with certain sales initiative, yes each country and culture is different. I try my best to be flexible and adaptive, but selling in china has been interesting to say the least. First of all, selling in china is difficult by definition. Chinese people are “tighter” with their money (i.e. don’t spend …
Theme of this Blog – focus or not?
Some people tell me I should write more focused, industrial topics on this blog. But then….it won’t be my personal blog anymore! I think the theme of this site is clear, its about my pursuit through life. Lately, its been about what i’m involved with now: Motivation Business China Internet / SEO / Social Media Travels The reason people suggest …
Visit to a China Hospital
Spent a few hours today with my trustee assistant Melissa Zhu at the local Nanshan Public Hospital, here in Shenzhen, China. Besides a blood test / drug test for my passport z-visa, this was my first time at a public hospital for a regular checkup. So let me note my experience, it wasn’t as scary as I could have imagined …
No more mask! Separation of Personal and Business Online
I’m trying to remember my first email address….. yomagic@juno.com and then there was netplx.net . The dial up modem to connect to junos email server and download the mail, half of which was sponsored advertisements. I am thinking that was 1995, when I was starting high school. Then there was everyone scared of putting their name on the internet, we …
My site was hacked! Invisible iframe to Chinese malware site
Ouch, what a way to end a week. Late last night talking to Andrew at New York Bar Store and then he tells me about a phone call he got from a customer saying there was some spam on our site, newyorkbarstore.com. Then I take a look, view source, and a HIDDEN iframe inserted on the footer of the majority …
Facebook vanity URLs available – get yours now!
bit of insanity, reading on twitter that approximately 500,000 usernames have been reserved on facebook now. BEFORE their 12 midnight release they had announced. Many of my friends and facebook users are SLEEPING NOW. And they were under the impression midnight on Saturday… Guess i’m lucky to be checking during my chinese timezone daytime. and got my username facebook.com/michelini Another …
China Internet compared to USA Internet (Interesting Discussion)
I had a coffee break with my new friend Guang Yao (english name is Tristan), who is an avid social media guy, loving twitter, blogs, and other social online stuff. Here are some notes of what I got from our discussion this evening: There is a coffee shop in Hangzhou city, China called “Beta Cafe” that is founded by some …
More Bank of America Fights – international travel issues
Just want to log this in the journal….I am trying to make a payment to someone in USA, rather urgent. took some time collecting the proper information – account details, wire information, zip code, etc. I get to the online banking, and what stops me is the last 8 of my checking card! Which I have not received, was sent …
Healthcare, easy everywhere except USA
So Bas and Brent are looking into healthcare and coverage options (I guess i’m crazy, but haven’t had insurance for 2 years). And its pretty hilarious to see how the quotes look – they are VERY reasonable OUTSIDE of USA coverage. The doctor costs and the healthcare system in America is soo screwed up I think back to my time …
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