Again blogging on my mac air from a bus in hong kong….I guess it is pretty amazing I can type as I have a screaming cantonese women yelling in the phone behind me, crying baby in front of me, and a fat old guy with his setback pushed back up against this laptop screen….but ***** testing your limits is key…and …
Chinese Relationship Building Weekend, Waterpark + Hiking
Typing this sunday afternoon, waiting for the bus from dongguan to shenzhen….what a long and perspective-building weekend! Started on Friday night, rushing to catch last bus to da lang district of dongguan from Longgan district of Shenzhen. Been getting better at traveling in China alone, but when I’m in these massive bus terminal networks it gets overwhelming. Luckily I figured …
Latest on the Philippines Drama…
As a followup to the post opening up about staff problem in the Philippines where it was rumored a staff, the scholar, was hiding her pregnancy from us….and she has been missing a few weeks now, and while there aren’t any comments on the post, I received a lot of private feedback from business associates, other staff, friends, and mentors. …
Jamming In As Many Meetings In China Before my USA trip
Again, its one of the benefits of “living on the internet” – blogging, tweeting, weibo-ing, facebook status updates….and trying to be as open as possible… that people know where you are, where you are going, and contact me to make plans and business opportunities / ideas . The last few days my google calendar has been jam packed with lunch …
6 Ways I Finally Reached Inbox Zero!
Wow, I am still in a bit of shock, hitting reply as soon as I get an email while I type of this blog…..I have been investing a lot into mobility and productivity apps lately and finally I can reap the rewards…..oh the smell of a sweet sweet empty inbox (those of you that have been reading my blog see …
Presentations from the 6th Meetup
After our very deep and interesting IP talk we got the presentations here to share: Yubo’s talk on the risk and opportunities of managing and planning your IP portfolio: Risks and Opportunities-s
Dad Continues To Motivate Me
A big reason for this blog was to communicate back to home my travels and business adventures…to family and friends…and not to make long phone calls over and over to everyone repeating my crazy stories. Obviously that has grown as I get more readers in China, Usa, and Philippines, as well as worldwide. But still, my dad is one of …
Continued Emergence of the Chinese Brand Internationally – Geekcook
My friend David Zhang (@digitalboy I’ve known a few years in China, going back to a punch party events we both spoke at punch party event in 2009, he is a very bold and charismatic Chinese businessman, influential in social media, and uses community building to build his business….selling his own brand of “geek products” in the Chinese market, using …
Making the Best From a Lose-Lose Situation.
Been holding back on this blog post, but seems now is the time to really “let it out” and tell everyone this one burning issue I’ve had the past couple weeks, as I felt the world falling down on top of me….my customer service trusted scholarship recipient had been missing since before Marie had her early baby delivery….the business was …
Mixing Together Chinese + Filipino Staff, Cultural Differences Highlighted
Today had lunch at Marie’s house, saw her baby Carlos, met her auntie Malou (he first time to China, normally I meet her in Manila!) and also had Amy join us (Amy is my Chinese assistant). So it would be a time to see Carlos again, now at day 9, before seeing her at “day 0” and day 1 of …
Lessons from Organizing Shenzhen China’s First BootUP! Weekend
Still physically and emotionally drained from an intense weekend mentoring and witnessing 5 startups form and finally pitch to a panel of judges. I really thank Bruce Levin who helped all weekend, as well as Patrick Wong, Paul Jones, Donald Han, Jun Li….and many many more. As well as those who dedicated their time to be there all weekend – …
Sharing Passion For Startups, Entrepreneurship, Good Start to SZ BootUP!
Blogged last night on startupscn .com about the first night progress of BootUP! weekend Shenzhen edition – and I will keep the majority of posts and updates I blog about on that domain – so check there (startupscn .com for more frequent updates on the Shenzhen Startups group. Very exciting first Friday night here at the first StartupsCN Bootup! weekend …
My New Huawei 3G tablet, The emergence of the chinese brand
No, I am not paid to post this, though I should ask for free phones from some mobile companies next time I need to get a phone ,as I blogged a few times about my electronics purchases mac air, viewsonic tablet, stolen samsung galaxy S, but I enjoy sharing my purchases and getting feedback…its good blog content! So this weekend …
American Friend Selling NYC Real Estate to Hong Kong + Asia
End of last week I took a trip to Hong Kong and Macau to be “tour guide” for my college buddy Ish. I have done this in the past for friends from America visiting, like Hasan coming to HK from Pakistan travels and I really am excited to be able to meet my American buddies here on the other side …
Marie, Experience Having a Baby in Shenzhen China!
Man, what a week last week was, and NO, its not my baby (so many people get confused there!)! My “main girl” for the newyorkbarstore and ecommerce business is Marie, and those reading my blog and tweets see her mentioned every once in a while, especially when she was helping me explore opening a company in the Philippines and build …
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