man….not only am I a foreigner here…but now I am selling to Chinese…after pushing pretty hard getting some sample orders and small bar orders. I can do it….it is a price first, quality second game – but I can meet or beat most prices. The awkward part comes from my not being able to speak chinese….the customer in China …
i’m finally “back”
I can say this has been the hardest re-adjusting phase i’ve been through since maybe 1st day of high school….it was just a pile of things…came back to china – jet lag, tons of emails, questions, staff member quit while i was gone, congested/sick, and simply overwhelmed. Today definitely cleaned house, refocused, unpacked (yes a week and a half later) …
Company Formation, Accounting, Placing more Bets
met with my part time accountant again today – in China you have to file taxes every month for a business, not yearly like in USA… you almost need a full time in-house accountant / bookkeeper for this. I found Ping, on the far right, and Wendy, middle to help me with this. They are sisters and Ping is the …
just got the photos from Greg’s wedding in chicago
thanks for sending along chris – this is from 2 weekends ago
Last day in USA – San Diego – Appreciation for the US
Spent the past few days in good ol’ san diego california! Amazing place…..really is a paradise. Bought some hippie and beach souveniers for my friends in China. Hard shopping for Chinese because everything is MADE IN CHINA!!!! My last full day in US for…who knows how long….and makes you realize how lucky people in the states are. I hope everyone …
Toughest Sacrifice – Family Times
Been spending time with my family in florida almost a week now – preparing to fly to San Diego tomorrow morning….and it really makes me wonder, and hope, that I am doing the right thing by moving so far from friends and family……I’m still young, I have to explore new lands, make my best effort to build a company, learn …
Back to Florida – another horoscope
My grandma always clips the horoscope from the newspaper on my birthday – and even a few months late, I always get it. haha – looking at this years and comparing to last’s – seems now the idea is to “pick something” and not to spend all my money. Again, like last year, it says don’t get pressured into it. …
Action Packed New york city / jersey city / hoboken
Above – spent a Sunday afternoon with my friend Laird and Carl – they’re happily married and expecting their first child…..amazing! spending past few days visiting coworkers, friends, and business associates. Trying to do 110% what is possible….upsetting some with overbooking myself…..realizing that I just can’t see everyone and do everything…only a few more days and then Chicago…… keep pushing …
Back to USA – we need to consume less!
Back in the USA for a week now – great meeting friends, customers, suppliers…. All I can do is read the news and look around. It makes me realize how the world is FLATTER and FLATTER China, India, emerging markets – aren’t emerging anymore They are developed lands, with people who are driving more, eating more, living more. I read …
Packing up in my bedless room!
on the road again… home!!! homeless…
Success in Ningbo & Government Made Me Move my Bed!
Today – back from the airport in Ningbo (delayed flight…from 7pm to 2am takeoff…back at 5am!!! is that allowed in USA??) Government came to my home office Friday, when I was in Ningbo and basically said to my staff that was there – “you can’t live in your office…office and house has to separate”….so what do I do….move to the …
Strategy Game Plan – Next 6 Weeks
Sundays are always my strategy evenings…reflecting on the past and looking to the future… 6 weeks are going to be jam packed and may as well publish it on the blog to see if I can cram even more!! Earlier this week – interviewing people for Chinese accounting position. Thursday May 22 to Sunday May 25 – NINGBO, China – …
Opening companies in the face of world recession.
Bit scary as I sign contracts, open bank accounts, and wire money all over the world.. It is working – and I believe a company wrestling through the tough times makes it that much stronger. Just scary with payrolls building up….as its adding other people’s livelihood in the picture. Just keep on pushing forward – was going to start brainstorming …
Aftermath of the Earthquake
Where I am from the earthquake – about a 2 hour flight. Sharing some photos that have been going around in China IMs…..its really sad…collections everywhere…watching crowds on the streets surround TVs showing scenes from the aftermath of the earthquake… never take 1 day on this earth for granted….
Earthquake in Cheng Du, China
Thanks for all the emails and notes….I was a few hours southeast so didn’t even “Feel it” amazing how these natural disasters have been popping up….. was in Hong Kong when it happened – taking care of corporate structure, banking, and accounting…. write more later…..buried in emails and to-do lists
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