sometimes I may not have something specific to talk about, but force one self to write….Is that bad? I hear the term writers block, guess tahts true. but with the overflow of bloggers today, and the explosion of content all over the web. Will it become to the point there is more content then can be read? meaning the supply …
China now blocking more – twitter, hotmail, bing,
The 20th anniversary of Tiananmen massacre on June 4th is approaching, so it seems the Chinese government is adding more to the blocked list. My favorite new site, Twitter, has been blocked, as well as hotmail, the new search engine bing (microsoft), flickr, wordpress, and probably more we cannot find now. That adds to the list of blogger, youtube. I …
Top 10 Bankruptcies in US History, 3 this month
Wow, reading this financial article about the top 10 US bankruptcies…and 3 on the list just happened this month! GM today, Chrysler April 30, and Thornburg Mortgage on May 1. My friends back at Deutsche Bank Distressed Debt Desk MUST BE BUSY AS EVER! I remember how much work it was to work through the mess for Enron, worldcom, united …
Economy Goes Down – Scumbags Go Up!
Surfing around twitter and the overload of blogs, and its almost sad to see how people sell themselves out in hopes of getting some affiliate income. But this world where anyone can jump online and make a blog with some links to hope to make some money. Below I had to take some snapshots, they are pretty humorous. I removed …
Twitter has resparked my interest in the internet!
Its now 3am here on a saturday night / sunday morning….wow, i’m more of geek more then ever!!! Tomorrow (yes, Sunday!) the office is opened as the Chinese government made Sunday a workday due to Thursday and Friday being a holiday, so being here on a Saturday isn’t as bad then… follow me on twitter @michelini But this twitter….for months …
Dragon Boat festival begins in China
Tomorrow will be the famous dragon boat festival in China. Chinese culture says a famous poet was held unjustly by Chinese police and committed suicide by jumping into the river. So the idea of the dragon boat race is the people are racing on boats to save his life. “The boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival are traditional customs …
Thank You For Calling Bank of America
another interesting fact when moving abroad, especially China…is not only the time difference but dealing with finances from back home in USA. So, lets go through this saga step by step – 1)’s credit card program was bought by American express from GE corporate card – and this specific card program (productivity online) was closed and all cardholders had …
China Blocked Blogger…..the switch from blogger to wordpress
What a mess, haven’t been able to post to my blog because was banned in China. That now adds to the list under youtube and the occassional not working…makes you wonder how the choose. I am told its because someone wrote anti-government propoganda on a blogger account, so the government here has blocked all blogger accounts. Sure I …
Expat Joys – Passport Visa in China
having dinner with Brent today, discussing chinese visas, passport expirations, all those worries one needs when traveling in a country that requires a passport visa, and then I realized my current visa expires TOMORROW!!!!! Basically, after dinner, quickly met Bas and Maritess and Charlotte, who have just arrived from the Phillipines, and rush to the border before midnight strikes and …
What drives people to blog?
——The best studies we can find say we are a nation of over 20 million bloggers, with 1.7 million profiting from the work, and 452,000 of those using blogging as their primary source of income. That’s almost 2 million Americans getting paid by the word, the post, or the click — whether on their site or someone else’s. And that’s …
Desparate Email – is it this bad in usa?
Today I received an email from a friend back in the US. I will not disclose the person, but it made me realize “is it that bad in USA?”. I remember back when I was home in America, people were buying houses, maxing up credit cards. Didn’t seem to be hard to find a job. Could always get by. Now …
Featured on Chinese Radio – Laptop Stolen
Yesterday was invited to a special dinner party for a radio show. The radio show showcases new restaurants in the area and takes guests to rate the food and atmosphere. I was the only foreigner (white guy) in a table of 12 or so. The owner / manager of the restaurant was also there. I took my laptop bag with …
Featured on a Chinese PR Site!!!
Pretty awesome, my speech at the Xiamen SEO event was posted on a Chinese PR site Amazing, the photo is HILARIOUS! Translation is discussing my speech about SEO keyword research, importance of organizing your strategy before building a website, and the internet startup in Shenzhen, China that I am part of. Lets see how much coverage comes from …
spent hours registering for so many social media sites
Spent hours this sunday afternoon registering for all these various social media sites – a pretty cool service here and it brought me right to the registration page. Sometimes I had no idea what I was signing up for until getting into the website and looking around. Twitter, facebook, and the normal I was using, but I realize these …
Now Going 100% Internet and SEO
Going through the travels, and mainly I’ve been always “tiptoeing” around the internet, but maybe not confident to do it 100%. Mobatech I was getting into sales and marketing, which lead to new york bar store, to shadstone – and in shadstone I was going to make it a marketing company, but decided instead of doing marketing for others, I …
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