[box] Who: Lei Gao Tinker, Artist, Interaction Designer , CEO of IMLAB [/box] [box] When: 7 PM, TUESDAY, APRIL 10 2012 [/box] [box] Where: Chai Huo Hackerspace, Nanshan, Shenzhen [/box] [box] Cost: RMB20 [/box] [box] Topic: Introducing Tamagome, a personal data visualization service which aims to help use know more about their daily activities, control behavior, control health. How to work with remote or virtual teams in a startup and the tools to …
Shenzhen Startupweekend – Say it outloud! Passion overflowing!
Words cannot describe how I feel this Monday morning….the passion, the emotions, the excitement from this past shenzhen startupweekend was surreal. Its about the sponsors, the mentors, the judges, and most importantly, the entrepreneurs who came out all weekend took risk and time to build something! We had some mobile apps made in a weekend! We had database driven websites, …
Startup Weekend Shenzhen Day 1 – PHOTO BLOG
DAY ONE OF STARTUP WEEKEND SHENZHEN 17:00 – 19:00 Registration & Networking 19:00 – 19:30 Welcome & Speakers 19:30 –21:00 Pitch your idea! 21:00 – 21:30 Vote on ideas 21:30 – 22:30 Teams form (1h) 22:30+ Stay or go home
Inside Chinese Entrepreneur Community – Day 2 Shenzhen Startup Weekend #swsz
Its saturday afternoon here in Shenzhen’s 2nd official Startup Weekend! We have 12 ideas / startups / teams going strong and I’m going to be the first (in English at least!) to write about them: Team #, Team Name / Idea (if no name) #63 – Business Capital Bridge – a platform for capital matchmaking #18 – Good Try online …
Shenzhen Maker Fair, Demo Products Designed in Shenzhen!
Currently typing this at Shenzhen’s startup weekend! This weekend is definitely a defining time for the “critical mass” to get Shenzhen’s startup and entrepreneur community on the map! Also this weekend is the Shenzhen Maker Faire which my friend Eric Pan and others from Seed Studio and Chai Huo hackerspace are organizing. He invited me to speak at the afternoon …
Startup Weekend Shenzhen Day 2 – PHOTO BLOG
DAY TWO OF STARTUP WEEKEND SHENZHEN 9:00 – 9:30 Breakfast 9:30 – 12:00 Work on idea, Progress check point #1 Teams are formed, individual skills introduced, a team leader is appointed and all systems go! Teams getting advice from Mentors Mentors make their rounds and go around the room talking to each team. At this point, the teams are able …
Will Blogging Too Openly Hurt My Future Business Relationships????
Blogging that I’m closing my first e-commerce business was a little hard, and as an active blogger I had a few choices: I could have either not bloggeed about it, hoped no one would ask Transferred it to someone else and maybe said it was sold for something big, or merged. And then have to train / transfer the new …
Startup Madness! Pushing for this Weekend’s Shenzhen Startupweekend
Been tons of action happening with this weekend’s upcoming Shenzhen startup weekend. We have Caidy, from the Shanghai startupweekend team, flying down tomorrow, we have lots of visitors from all over the world stopping by. Its at the same time as the Shenzhen Maker faire, but like people have been saying, its all making sure Shenzhen is on the map …
Winding Down My First Business, Moving Onwards + Upwards
This post is the real deal, many of my close friends have been advising me not to post this, but I’m not going to cover up, make up some fake business deal or share transfer. I am living and learning, and I am not afraid to openly blog my business and life experiences. I hope you guys get something out …
Happening this weekend! April 06-08, 2012 2403-2405, Tencent Building, Hi-techPark, Nanshan,Shenzhen 深圳市南山区高新科技园中区一路腾讯大厦 2403-2405
APRIL 3 Nick Plante on How to Find a Technical Co-Founder
[box] Who: Nick Plante, Co-founder of Wefunder and Zerosum Labs [/box] [box] When: 7 PM, TUESDAY, APRIL 3 2012 [/box] [box] Where: Chai Huo Hackerspace, Nanshan, Shenzhen [/box] [box] Cost: FREE [/box] [box] Topic: How to find a technical cofounder? [/box] [box] About: Co-founder of Wefunder and Zerosum Labs. Formerly CTO of Mogoterra. Organizer of Rails Rumble (largest global weekend hack competition), Startup Workaway, created RDoc.info. Ruby / JavaScript / OSS / product hacker …
My 31st Birthday. Still not a millionaire
Bet that headline got your attention. But yea…years ago I was dreaming to be a millionaire before turning 30 years old. But today. ..Monday April 2, 2012 (well Monday in China….sunday night in USA) I am turning 31 years old and still nowhere near the million dollar mark….yet…I do not even care anymore! I have walked away from a career …
Great time attending my 4th Xiamen, China SEO conference
Been attending this major Chinese internet marketing conference since march 2009, have met so many people, and learned so much during these 2 short days…I can remember how nervous and anxious I was when I attended my first conference here…now I see familiar faces and know how it will go so am now I’m completely prepared. Presented on a panel …
Connecting Major USA All Recipes to a Chinese Ecommerce Startup
Allrecipes has arrived to China! I have been talking to Dennis from all recipes for a few months now, about coming to China and learning the market more. They do have allrecipes.cn domain, but have not yet invested in opening a company or an office in China, currently have one Chinese staff residing in America, Joyce, working on the content, …
Emotions, Business, and Life.
Been so slammed that I’m way behind on my regular blogging. Also been wondering what to make the next blog post. The past week, so much has happened. My buddy, I’ve known since I’ve arrived in China, is moving back to America. – his name has to be held on his own request. But a good American friend of mine …
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