Even with the rather discouraging week I had with the negative feelings – still pushing forward on the china ecommerce front….searching for warehouse space – looking for locality, scalability…and security……that one is a bit scary and questionable…….. 98products.com was a big project most of the day today, Saturday – every day a work day not really sure what the work …
Been Seriously Racially Profiled This Week!!!!
This week was such a hardcore week of racial profiling…..and the more I “pryed” into the topic…the worse it got! I’m looking at leasing a warehouse…and I put down a deposit…but I’m going to change the warehouse because the area is not locked down enough….I need 24/7 guard because when a white person has a storage area its a target …
Olympic Torch Passes Shenzhen, China today!
talk about insanity – this morning I heard the torch would be passing down the street from the building here…..so hey, lets go after lunch and check it out….I think 50% of the city was on the streets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! people climbing palm trees (see photo), standing on bus stops. Super hot today too! Umbrellas everywhere!! I feel the energy, the olympic …
How things have changed since 1 year ago….
About 1 year since leaving my day job – and wow, how things have changed…..1 year ago I was moving out of my New York apartment, flying to San Diego to live with Piotr…. feels like a lifetime ago!! Since then spent the summer in San Diego, Trade Shows in Hong Kong, toured China, holiday in Florida, uHauled Salem from …
I think I’m happy!
Can’t sleep….the usual lately…my brain is working overtime….I’m physically exhausted, but just can’t stop thinking about international business….I love every minute of it. Sure, I get completely stressed out at certain moments, situations where I seem to be at the mercy of the luck – but it pans out. Spread my bets out, don’t get in too deep with one …
Hong Kong – Keep Pushing forward
spent the past few days in Hong Kong – trade show, networking, business banking – can’t stop pushing forward… stopped by the Hong Kong Harbor last night – snapped a quick photo of a “thinker”. Who is this guy, what is going through his life right now, what is he….Pondering? Putting yourself in others shoes sometimes….where is he, 24 hours …
Different Types of Dangers when Leaving Home Country
Haha – this was in yesterday’s paper getting scanned and emailed around the expat community here. Don’t mess with a lady and her Pineapple Cart! Been a busy week and a half here – my buddy Eric Cheng and his crew came for the weekened, stopping by Shenzhen before heading to his family’s village, Shanghai, etc. Company is rolling along …
My Chinese Birthday Celebration
hit the 2-7 today – have a few years before I’m 30 and gotta make a million! But like this blog’s title – Happiness in Pursuit – its all about the adventure….the places I have been, the people I have met along the way. That is richness. My staff here in the photo – Melissa and Kent – very good …
Guess This would be Fun – breaking up companies?
Carl Icahn, multi billionaire…I wonder how happy he is? That whole money and happiness formula. I guess it would be fun to be able to say you split up motorola. I mean he is doing it for the other shareholders as well, not just himself. I mean, yea, I’d like to become some multi billionaire someday…maybe I will….but I still …
This is the stuff I live for – New Product Development (Electra Pour)
Electra Pour Now this if fun – utilizing the bar supply distribution channel New york Bar store – and my new friends and contacts here in China – I get to be in the ground level development of some cool stuff My buddy and now business partner Andrew Grilli and I took these pictures and videos (can’t publish the videos …
Can’t Stop – Coming like a freight train
In an extremely motivated mode again right now….Easter isn’t celebrated in China so I’ve been spending the weekend doing office housekeeping…laying out the desks, moving things around…and general strategizing…. Feel like its taken months and months of time, but I am so pumped becase I am blazing a path that was the dream I can think of since I remember. …
Got to Think Long Term
Reading a lot of articles today…between financial distasters and leaders getting shun…its got to be a much harder time for some compared to me – but I have put my money where my mouth is – building an international business in the face of a market crash is difficult – but believe this is a smart long term move – …
Sad watching the US Economy
man….Monday morning here in China (Sunday night in USA)….read the news about Bear Sterns going bankrupt (well really selling out @ $2.00 to JP Morgan) that stock was $150 before I quit Deutsche Bank last year…and mid $60s last week or so….wow. talk about losing everything. I talked to my friend Dana …
Go Karts, Condom Noses, Full Lamb Roast
Wow, wish I had brought my video camera for this one – last night at a bachelor party dinner our friend here from Germany shows us his trick – Pull a condom through your nose / nostril and then out your mouth!! It was painful to watch…..very freaky… But I love this – had a South African snort up a …
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