Arrived yesterday afternoon. Been an exhausting week, just so many developments in business…on top of traveling from Shenzhen, China to Dongguan, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and then Manila Philippines… But I am ready to rock next year in 2011! 2010 has been a crazy…exhausting year for me to get outside (I was pretty much 100% in China from 2008 – 2009) …
Twitter Meetup Hong Kong – Putting Faces to @ Names
Been in Hong Kong a couple days, between Shenzhen, China and Manila, Philippines….and wanted to meet some contacts I’ve been chatting to on twitter to discuss web design…which ended up turning into testing out a “meetup” of various twitter friends in the Hong Kong area. The beginning the “chaotic” organization started on Monday when I asked William Li to meet …
Positioning Correctly During Changing Economic Times
I’m in a bus on the way back from lunch heading to a government office to grab my passport with renewed work permit, then to hong kong….whipping out my laptop writing this entry. This is how I’ve been living my life….writing up blogs, proposals, emails from my mobile phone, from my laptop in transit – in a car, train, bus, …
Another day in Dongguan, Guangzhou – more developments in Pearl River Delta
“Just when I thought I was out, they drag me right back in”, remember that saying when I was watching The Sopranos TV series on HBO years ago….and it refers to a mafia member thinking he was free / quit from the mob, but somehow he gets back into the mafia and doing shady things again. But its said in …
Bike Stolen In China…only a few days left
From the day I bought this bike, I knew it was a matter of time before it was stolen…..Everyone told me, don’t leave it out of your sight….locked or not locked…doesn’t matter. bought the bike in september 2008, so its lasted me a couple years…..did pay about 1400 yuan (200usd) for it….and it was nice….but I feel I got my …
Social Media Growing – Facebook Seen As Important to Business
Guess I am in the right zone…or just following what people are demanding – but more and more people want help promoting the facebook pages, their twitter accounts, improving their reputation online….and building a brand. I am perfectly positioned to do this in the Philippines, and have been working on a more standard package for businesses to talk to me …
Motivating Myself Through Starvation
Having trouble sleeping ,so popping open the laptop. Starvation, well, not literally… it got your attention though. But I am beating on myself, pushing myself….why? I don’t want get lazy. Don’t want to get comfortable. I don’t want to be a failure…a washup…a has-been…. Business is modern warfare. And I don’t want to get into politics too much, but we …
Chinese Internet Filtering Holding Back Innovation?
Just like we say, its about who we surround ourselves with. Spending a few days talking to friends in Shenzhen China and I realize most are not on top of the newest internet technologies….and I can’t blame them….its so hard being in China when the government is filtering and blocking the majority of new “Social” websites such as foursquare, dropbox, …
Maybe Being Open on this Blog is Helping!
Many times I have gone back and forth with myself about how open to be about my business, my life on the internet. It does get a bit scary when I meet people for the first time, and they know so much about me already….and I have no idea who they are! Yet they immediately have more trust and care …
Letting People See Where You Are Online, good or bad?
For those of you not aware of this, one of the new things now is geo-based social networking…allowing you to share with the world where you are at the moment. I think this is pretty awesome, though I am aware the majority of people probably think invasion of privacy, security risks (“I know when you’re home, and when you’re not” …
The China Dream May Not Be Over Yet…
Life always works in mysterious ways…..just when I book my ticket to Philippines and figure I may not be in China every so often, I take up an offer to visit a Hong Kong domainer’s warehouse and factory operation in Dong Guan city. I met him at the PPX Domainer’s meetup last Monday and we both have a common interest …
Where to base operations under today’s economic conditions?
So, its quite obvious I’ve been exploring where to base myself this year of 2010, and while many are jealous I am so free and have so many choices to make freely, it is kind of mind boggling. In the past for some reason, my location has always seemed obvious….I was born in Connecticut, USA and always thought NYC was …
Movie Review – The Social Network, A Facebook Story
FINALLY got to watch the facebook movie “The Social Network”, and wow, it is AMAZING, really has not much to do with the actual making of the technology and marketing of facebook, but does bring home the struggles and problems in doing business with friends, and not having clearly defined roles and exit strategies for partners. I’m not gonna ruin …
Sometimes Just Feel Like It’s a Constant Hail Mary
Maybe its because I spread myself too thin. Maybe because I feel the odds are against me. Because I’m traveling alone, and currently don’t have any business partners to “share the pain” but I am constantly hustling and trying to make things happen when I feel totally cornered What is a Hail Mary? Well, it’s a football term when the …
More Friends Weddings and Newborn Babies
One friend proposing last week. Another announcing a baby coming soon. Good friend in Shenzhen just having his second son. A couple getting married in China. Life keeps on moving forward. Now I understand the perspective of people my age…..this pressure people would tell me when I was a young boy about other friends and piers getting married and having …
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