I could reflect on 2011, but instead of talking about the past, I’ll talk about the future. 2011 was my transition BACK to China fulltime… doing consulting between Hong Kong, Dongguan, and Shenzhen…. going to the coworking space in mid-year and then the last couple months back to ecommerce consulting and representing a Chinese ecommerce association to the west. Many …
Connecting Chinese to USA Agents – Latest Progress With Geekcook
I believe I am a connector, I enjoy doing it, and I seem to be getting better at it. Its just tough to build a platform to connect people between USA and China … still feel I need to gather research, pain points, needs from both sides. But as I have said before, one of my good friends David Zhang …
My First “Official” Social Media Training Seminar in Shenzhen, China
What is getting more and more funny…and crazy at the same time…is that I am getting busier and busier on my Sina Weibo, Tencent Weixin and QQ, talking about English social media and American vs Chinese culture and way of life. Those of you following me, my life, and this blog have seen me spending the last year, even year …
Merry Christmas From China, Expat Celebrating the holiday overseas
Many of my family and friends in back home in USA ask me how do I celebrate Christmas in China. I have been celebrating Christmas in China for the past 4 years now (almost 5), well, technically last year I crossed over to spend Christmas in Hong Kong…as I almost was here in Christmas 2007, but Spent it with my …
Protected: Happy New Year! Bringing Back Shenzhen Ecommerce Meetups
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Feel Like I’m in Uncharted Waters….Submerged in China Business
As a new year approaches, I’m behind on my blogs (my buddies remind me as they check up)…but seriously I am working harder then ever this year. As I said, noticing more and more expats leaving China while there is a fresh batch of new ones come in (like doug)…. And then there is the Christmas holiday approaching…the foreigner friends …
Excited for 2012 – Marketing a Chinese Ecommerce Group to the West!
2011 was the year “I “returned” to China” after a half year in Philippines and a couple months in USA (almost staying in NYC, USA)….and now I am entering 2012 with some very interesting projects and goals. In 2011, I was doing SEO and ecommerce consulting with Five Islands ecommerce center going between Dongguan, Hong Kong, and Shenzhen like a …
Chinese Sign – Empty Talks Damages a Country’s Reputation
I have seen this sign, in the same location here in Shekou district of Shenzhen since I first moved here in 2007. I remember it used to have the English translation underneath it, and that is what inspired me to take a photo of it and discuss today. I wonder why they removed the English translation from underneath the billboard? …
Twitter Is Trying To Be Simpler – It Learned from China’s Weibo!
Wow, this confirms it – Weibo really is better than Twitter. Reading the official news from Twitter, their new UI interface updates seems to be quite similar to how Weibo has been doing it since its beginning! I got more information when I read Silicon Filter and yes, there will be users who complain about this – but finally Twitter …
Great Experience At China Merchants Bank! (yes, seriously!)
No, I am not being sarcastic. And no, I did not receive any bribe or Red Envelopes or endorsements to say good things about a Chinese state operated bank! I was an idiot, when I was paying my Dave Ho monthly rent, I turned back to pass him the cash and walked away from the ATM! In China, the card …
Do You Think an commerce store #in shop.michaelmichelini.com
Been thinking more about about the direction of the business. And I am really thinking the above idea could have an interesting twitter to today’s ecommerce + social meda. Create an online store from my blog. Put my “personal brand” behind the products we are selling. I can cross promote thosse products on this blog have discussions on the products…show …
We Americans Are A Strange People…Food Stamps Can Now Be Used To Buy Starbucks Coffee
Sometimes my blog posts upset my fellow American readers here….I do have to suggest as many Americans that can find a way to travel abroad to do so…it really opens your eyes to how other people live and makes me appreciate the freedoms and benefits of being an American. Hopefully some of my contradictory posts to an American reader can …
Confirmed, Chinese Work Permit Renewed – Sticking It Out Another Year!
I got a couple calls and emails from friends thinking I am leaving China after one of my latest posts about expat friends leaving China…but to confirm..I am here I think its always stressful for someone living outside their home country to submit a renewal of their work permit in the country they are planning to stay in. I have …
Interviewing Ebay China #1 Seller in 2009, Lu Haichuan
Please bear with me, no video / voice yet in this interview….but its my first effort in interviewing some of these facinating Chinese based Chinese ecommerce (export driven) companies I am coming across. Yesterday (Tuesday) in Shenzhen we took about an hour drive up to the outskirts of the city (Bao An) to a new place I had never heard …
How Much Longer Can The Chinese Economy Withstand its Growth?
Tweeted earlier about hearing all these talks of China finally feeling its growth is unstoppable (LA times article)….it talks about 3 main issues for the Chinese economy: slowing GDP growth – exports are lowering….Chinese factories are struggling to survive, accepting lower margins….the small factories are getting squeezed out. They are thinking of all kinds of ways to differentiate from their …
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