What is Mike Michelini up to – Jan 3 – 9, 2021 Gotta make sure to put the “1” in 2021. Many have said “good riddance” 2020. But I do feel 2021 will still be more lockdowns and virus and vaccine debates and implementation. Will adjust accordingly. Online work and ecommerce is what we do anyway. The few things we’re …
Company Retreat
March 2020 was crazy! I went to Bohol in the Philippines to meet my team. The plan was to do a strategic planning and team building or retreat. I just want to get to know the team better. Then, it happened. Lockdown. We were having fun one day then scrambled to try to get home the next. The rest, well …
My Son Wants To Become a Kung Fu Master!
We all have new year’s resolutions. My son, Miles may not even be aware of what those are yet but he has one: To become a Kung Fu master! All those Atom Man cartoons and toys combined with his love for Spiderman led him to want to learn Kung Fu. So Wendy found a nearby (well, 30 minute taxi ride) …
Top Productivity Tip
Keep the student mindset. This is a valuable tip that my friend, Rico Ngoma, shared in a short clip. It is true. In order to be productive and get on top of your game, you have to keep the student mentality. This means, you should never stop learning. Have a humbling experience of not knowing anything and learning about it …
Wrapping up 2020
What Mike Michelini is up to now Dec 27, 2020 – Jan 2, 2021 The new year always gets us excited. A fresh start is coming. And this year, many of us are excited to have 2020 behind us. As I mentioned in a recent vlog, planning for 2021 is a tough one. But here’s the rough idea this week: …
Merry Christmas From Shenyang, China
We are coming to a close this year! While no Christmas tree or Christmas “Culture” here in Shenyang, China – was able to get a “hong bao” from Wilson Blues and went to the mall to grab some books and dig through various markets to find some wrapping paper. Kids pushed to open on Christmas Eve – but we insisted …
Online Mastermind
Have you ever wondered what goes on in a Mastermind? Well, looking at the word itself, you would somehow get the idea that it has something to do with an expert or the main architect of a certain plan or program. But, in the online world, particularly in eCommerce, it means so much more. In a mastermind, there are a …
Stay on Top Of Your Relationships with MonicaHQ
In a world where account shutdowns and data lockouts seem to happen more and more on these social networks, we need to really be more aware of “owning our own data”. We also can’t help but be responsible for others’ data as well, especially for our friends and other relationships. For years, since the late 1990s, I had been finding …
Top Copywriting Tip
“Copywriting and writing are two very different things.” This is what Ana Warren Gonzales said when asked about tips on copywriting. She also said something about Core Emotional Benefit. Watch and listen in to know what this is all about as she shares in a nutshell a top copywriting tip.
People Check-ins For the New Year
What is Michael Michelini up to now – Dec 20 – 26, 2020 * Year end “processing” and planning for new year * 1 on 1 calls with the team * Working on getting GFAVIP members into the best fit mastermind group for them. * Preparing webinar for SBO – ScaleByOutsourcing (Dec 29) * Deep in studying and creating content …
2020 Year In Review, 2021 “Plans”
Time for the 2020 Year End Review and 2021 Plan. High res image of Mike and Maggie What a year it has been. Year 2020, I almost want to call the inflection point of “AC/BC” (After COVID, Before COVID). And, next year to not be 2021, but to be “1 AC”. Chatting to a friend about our meeting in Spain …
Preparing Year End Team Meeting
What is Mike Michelini Up To Now – Dec 13 – 19, 2020 * Adjusting to a non-Christmas feel in China. I don’t remember this in the past, but Christmas is essentially banned here – no decorations, no music. * I’m reviewing projects and doing team evaluations. We’ll have our year-end team call this week * There are a bunch …
Why Rico Moved to Asia
I caught up with my friend, Rico Ngoma, CEO of Source Find Asia, in Manila, Philippines early this year. This was before the whole COVID-mania took over most of our lives. We talked about why we moved to Asia, what made us take that leap from where we were and why we decided to stay. It was fun thinking about …
Interviewed on The Asian Seller about Content for Ecommerce Businesses
Happy to have been interviewed on Meghla Bhardwaj’s podcast, The Asian Seller. And, it is on my favorite topic – creating content for ecommerce brands. We dive deep into the ins and outs of what it takes to build content and marketing off Amazon FBA to diversify and thrive. It was a fascinating discussion on using coupons for influencers and …
2020 Coming to a Close, Defining my Role
Quick summary: * Defining my role and the leadership to revamp the org chart so it’s more clear in 2021 * Preparing a Christmas party for the team. I’m thinking Thursday, Dec. 17, 2020 at 6pm. * GFAVIP mastermind is member-driven; have 4 mastermind leaders to help and will collaborate more with members for the community management tasks. * SBO …
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