wow the past week has been insane – flew to Shanghai, spent the weekend there- trade shows, factory visits, partying, networking, met college friend Xing, crashed at my buddy Brent’s apartment, then he and I drove his car to YuYao (3 or 4 hour drive) Monday. I drove for the first time in China that day….what a rush…. Greg Schwartz …
Not letting things get in my way….One way Ticket to Shanghai
Not completely ready for my trip to Shanghai tomorrow….but can’t stop the hustle, the adrenaline going through my veins…its amazing how many people like to tell you things are impossible, or that it has to be done a certain way. Its almost more fun proving them wrong than even getting the task completed. had Melissa my assistant book the ticket, …
In life – it really comes down to the simple things….
I have been getting better at locating “hard to find” items in China…got the American knife and fork set, flat frying pan (can’t use that wok!), and other items…but the FOOD is where it gets interesting….I love breakfast, and I love that warm, soft, chewy bagel & cream cheese….. Makes me realize life is really about the small things we …
Chinese New Years!
I was not exactly sure what to expect for Chinese New Years – my experience so far has been a lot of eating and gatherings….today I went with a group of friends to a park of culture..not exactly sure the Chinese name…it was a good time…..I finally took my camera out with me as I know I’m falling short on …
Disco Club 迈理倪 (Mai Li Ni)
haha, so the tech guy came the other day for my newest request-….another set of subwoofers and speakers to wire into another room… now I have subwoofers in both the office other main room….its bumpin’ in here right now!!! so imagine this…have a space heater on me now at my desk…freeezing here in South china right now…but blasting deep bass …
Who Order Chinese Food?
Yes…i’m alive..had a few emails from friends checking on me…worried I may be in some dark damp chinese jail cell…nope…still here… About an hour ago I received a call from my doormen buddies downstairs…can’t speak english so when they call I just say “yea yea” and the person can come up to see me. This time it was a Chinese …
The Bell in China
for my boys at Deutsche Bank!
“We don’t have songs like this in China…..”
hahahaha. Playing some of my MP3s today in the office….love it when there’s TuPac playing and no one else in the room has heard it before….and its going on swearing and cursing everyone on his hate list and their mothers….F this, Mo-fo that…. Melissa’s quote – “they allow people to say this in US?” Mike “yeaaaaaaaa, tons of songs like …
Get down and dirty – roll the sleeves up
Ok, Piotr and everyone else out there…I broke down and bought a desk and office chair…guess you’re right…my back is feeling much better…and I’m getting tons more work done! The after photo….have my financial programs installed, software setup, wifi, etc etc…no more excuses…have over 2 weeks of work waiting to get done! Transition almost complete…..I think?????????? Life is just one …
My Chinese Business Card
What should you consider when designing your own business card in Chinese? Mike went through it and shares.
Culture Shock & Logistical Issues Full Effect Today
pic of my new desk in china….note the ATM receipt, chinese biz cards, chinese phone, chinese coins, and some Chinese snacks spicy, not too sure what it is… Think today has been the day I’m finally realizing that I’m living here…and that I am surrounded by people that I cannot communicate with! Sunday afternoon right now, went to the grocery …
another day in China…lets call this day 1
Past week so much has happened…but really annoying me that I cannot get settled in….finally I would say today is DAY 1….. well everyday is a new day as they say right….but man….between banking, apartment hunting, furniture, office setup, meeting people….etc etc…..I don’t get any real work done. Yea Yea, you know its a transition, i’m in a foreign country, …
Getting my head back above water
wow, the past week has been one of the most extreme tests – emotionally, financially, and somewhat physically… 1 wasn’t so bad…it got bad once i had laptop issues, moving from hotel to hotel…finding less and less people that spoke english….and learning more and more this was going to be much harder than anticipated…..but… did find a place….and the first …
Happy New Years – Welcome to Shenzhen, China
Its already New Years Day in China, but for those of you in USA, it is 9:39pm EST. I’m just waking up, trying to quickly get out of jet lag mode…slept a good 10 hours at the hotel, here’s the short term to-do list. get toothpaste, shaving cream, vitamins, and SIM card minutes.
On My Way – Just Kissed Mom & Dad Goodbye
Currently at West Palm Beach International Airport – gonna spend a few days in Newark and then Sunday afternoon flying off to Hong Kong – straight into China that night, new years eve! Hey, always think forward, think ahead – and not only think but DO. Gotta keep pushing myself to adapt to new environments, new situations… they say, whatever …
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