Am I just a white guy trying to profit off low cost labor?

In china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Guess I can say my time here has been somewhat emotional at times…but its sad that I get used to seeing beggars and dead broke people walking the streets. Visiting factories with workers getting paid such small amounts of money (side note – I have not seen child labor – or conditions not workable).

Seeing these things day in and out really puts your life in perspective. Why one human life was born in one place vs another. I always think people have a chance to make what they will out of life. I have heard the stories, maybe even met some rich people in China, that started in a factory and made it to the stars. Maybe I just don’t understand how opportunity is created from a Chinese citizen.

Surely there are some VERY WELL off chinese citizens, sending their children to expensive university in USA, etc.

But what about the majority – I guess as China becomes more and more capitalistic hopefully the playing field will continue to level.

As far as my staff working for me, I feel I treat them well. I hold nothing back in sharing my experience, education, and tactics. Melissa says its a great opportunity and I always tell her if shadstone goes bust she’ll have a great CV (resume) to get an awesome job. haha. Hope that doesn’t happen!

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