I have been running away from an avalanche for a week now – lockdown in Manila, lockdown in Bohol – and in Cebu booking flight to China. Thought I would make it – literally by the skin of my teeth – with a Tuesday March 18, 2020 flight to China – with 2 connections – for 800USD. But failed. The …
Drastic Times, Drastic Measures: Mask Trading & Re-launching Sourcing business
My wife has been pushing me for weeks to do this, and I have been resisting. As always, the wife is always right. We need to change our business models and do what is most needed – for the world and for our businesses. I’m bringing back the old Shadstone Sourcing trading business – Shadstone-sourcing.com – and will be focusing …
Quoted in Wall Street Journal: Amazon not accepting inbound shipments
The crisis continues – this time hitting the Western world and distribution. Last month it was about factories being closed and not able to make the product- now it is about Western countries / USA – being able to receive and ship it. Can you believe yesterday, March 17, 2020 amazon suddenly announced it will not accept new inbound shipments …
Company Retreat in Bohol Turned Operation: Evacuation
Writing this up from my hotel room in Bohol under much different circumstances than I expected for our team retreat. Rushing to the airport on Thursday, Marc told me that Manila is considering going on full lockdown. I wasn’t sure if I could make my flight before the lockdown was announced or what would even happen. Flight went like normal …
On “My Worst Investment Ever” Podcast Sharing Biggest Business Failure!
Still on a roll getting the word out online and was invited on the “My Worst Investment Ever” podcast with the amazing host Andrew Stotz to share my biggest business failure. Was a pleasure to be on – and it was a bit painful to share and dig up those memories (and the money lost) – but we need to …
Where is Mike March 15? Lockdown in Bohol – Going to Cebu
What is Mike Up To – March 15 – 21, 2020 * Well, ya. Basically writing this up from Bohol island in Philippines for a Shadstone company retreat we had planned for months – which overlapped completely with the sudden lockdown of Metro Manila and I can’t fly back to Manila now. Going to take a ferry with our amazing …
Update: My Kids Are Allowed to Play Outside in China
Seeing this quick photo and video on my “Family wechat group” yesterday got me to sit up and get excited. My kids are allowed to leave the apartment and play in the garden of the apartment compound. It has been now almost 2 months since I last saw them. Watching them wearing their masks and play in a quiet and …
Meeting Mica From Wizards of Amazon in Manila
Meeting Mica From Wizards of Amazon in Manila Trying to make the most of my time here in Manila and meet as many people as I can – one of them is Mica on the Wizards of Amazon team (headed by Carlos Alvarez). We have been talking since I first arrived about meeting – and the volcano erupted so it …
NOW Week Plan March 8 – 14 2020
Quick updates (bullets) In Manila until Thursday Bohol for a Shadstone company retreat Thursday to Monday Working on a coaching package for ecommerce businesses adjusting to the new coronavirus world. New newsletter, public figure FB page, site, for my personal brand Michael Michelini Long format for my team Week Plan March 8 – 14, 2020 Shadstone Limited More personal branding …
Inspirational Support From my College Freshman Liberal Arts Professor
Inspirational Support From my College Freshman Liberal Arts Professor We never know what to expect in life. The coronavirus has truly shaken up everything in my life, from personal to business. But there are always hidden gems in every situation. Today I want to talk about one of them – my college professor from freshman year – Dr. Silvio Laccetti …
Connecting With Andy Amazon Advocate in Philippines
Connecting With Andy Amazon Advocate in Philippines Being stuck in Philippines has its perks – Andy Lee who is running a top Amazon FBA and e-commerce training business all over Southeast Asia (He’s growing fast!) and his team met with me and a few of our amazing Alpha Rock Capital team for dinner earlier this week. The conversation was fascinating. …
Oped in Fredriksburg: My Wife & Children are Under Quarantine in China
So much has been happening – earlier in Feb my article was published in Fredricksburg.com (VA) – Dr. Silvio Laccetti is my PR mentor, thanks Doc! Read the article here https://www.fredericksburg.com/opinion/commentary-my-wife-and-children-are-under-quarantine-in-china/article_f2c4d7ea-ec4e-5b76-a899-ec17b4f0d228.html
Watch a Budding E-commerce Community Grow – Trip To Baguio, Philippines
Catching my breath after two 7 hour bus trips to Baguio and back in a few days- but it was quite the experience! Note – if you go to Baguio – bring a light jacket – it is cold. 5,000 meters above sea level, you will take a coach bus for 7 hours and towards the last hour you will …
What’s Mike Upto March 1-7, 2020
What Mike Is Up to Now – March 1 – 7, 2020 * Still in Manila, deciding how much longer I can stay – family being away is hard and was the plan with or without the Coronavirus – but not able to go back is driving me insane. * Transitioning to a personal brand as the main focus. * …
Insights on Coronavirus from China / Asia Business Perspective: Guest On Kevin Shee Show
Insights on Coronavirus from China / Asia Business Perspective: Guest On Kevin Shee Show Thank you Kevin for interviewing me on your podcast about the effects of the Coronavirus from perspectives – yours as well – on the Coronavirus – in Hong Kong, China, and Asia. If you want to hear Kevin and I give unique insights on this nightmare …
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