ManageFlitter: Offers advanced analytics and features including powerpost. Powerpost schedules the posts automatically for better engagement. It also helps you unfollow inactive Twitter accounts. It also comes with a premium version called ManageFlitter Pro.
Heading to DCBCN (Barcelona) Later this Month
Time is flying, I am heading to Barcelona for DCBCN. Felt like it was just January when I booked this! I’m pumped! I’m going to Europe after so many years. And to hang out with a bunch of my friends from Dynamite Circle. What’s DCBCN What is this event? Its the Dynamite Circle Barcelona event. It has been going for …
Heading to Cebu, Philippines June 7- 10
Its been close to a year since I was down in the Philippines. As I mentioned then, I am a partner in a SEO office in Cebu. Things have been busier than ever, and my partner, the CEO, Josh has pulled it off and we need to take things to the next level. I wish I could take my family …
Announcement: Partner of Enter China Community
I’m excited to announce, after quite a few months of negotiation, I am a partner in the Enter China community. There is a whole new initiative and I am excited to push it forward and carry the torch onwards. I’m excited to partner up with Rico and Luke as well in this, as well as have Nick on as a …
My Wife Wendy is Officially My Business Partner!
I’m excited to start to tell the world – my wife Wendy is now formally my business partner here in Shadstone and Global From Asia. Well, technically maybe she always was – so supportive and helpful, but over the past month or so it is more formal. Wendy Has a Ton of Experience in Events and Chinese Marketing I’ve tried …
Twitter Backgrounds & Covers – Check Out The Creative Tools
Many of us would doubt on how immense Twitter is. It is actually a lot of things, whether it is a virtual billboard or a megaphone for all those wishing to communicate. It is no doubt the most popular social network bringing forward to amazing new ways of communication across the globe. It’s most popular phenomenon that has taken the …
Twitter Increasing 140 Character limit
Yes, the time has come for twitter to rebrand its strategy by increasing the 140 character limit. As a top micro blogging website Twitter will now stop counting photographs, Videos and links in its 140-character limit for tweets, according to a report from Bloomberg.
Considering Homeschooling For My Kids
My son Miles is turning 2 years old this month. Insane how fast life is going! And now that he’s reaching 2 – the beginning of school is on the horizon. This is the big challenge for foreigners in China. He’s not local Chinese, so he can’t go to the public schools. And the private schools are insane expensive. Where …
Speaking at Hardware Massive Events: SZ on 5/19, HK on 5/25
I’m excited to be out speaking again! This time I’m honored to be invited to the Hardware Massive Event – in both their Shenzhen, China and Hong Kong Chapters. Hope to catch some of you there -here’s the info: Shenzhen, China Event on Thursday May 19 To RSVP and read latest info on the Shenzhen event, click here Thursday, May …
Grind Report- April 2016
What a month April has been! Feels good to be entering May. April is the month I am born it – its also spring time and it always gets me in a good mood. April we had the Cross Border Summit – smack in the middle of it. Plus all these trade shows and meetups – with more people than …
Cross Border Summit Success! Pushing Myself Out Of Comfort Zone
The Cross Border Summit was a great success! Thank you to everyone who came out on a Saturday and spent the full day with intense learning and networking! Many people said we should have waited til later in the year – that we didn’t have enough time to plan it – but we pushed through and made it happen – …
Julian Hosp Book Review
Just finished reading a fantastic book by Dr. Julian Hosp! I was fortunate to get connected to him and interview him for the Global From Asia podcast. Reading his book has inspired me on some new initiatives and I want to share today a bit about what I learned. Wish I Read This Earlier I guess that is true with …
Welcome Valery To the Team, Welcome Her to Hong Kong !
I’m so excited these past few days – we have a new visitor to Hong Kong – Valery! She’s been working on the Shadstone team now for a couple months – and this is the first time we have met! Such a positive person, she is in charge of our client services and community management. Which is perfect work for …
Grind report – March 2016
And here are the numbers: I’m behind on Mike’s Blog – but as promised I am still doing these monthly grind reports. The Reasons Behind The Results March was a up and down month. The beginning of the month was extremely stressful with a last minute move of our home in China! Really affected my work as it was a …
Another Year, Another Birthday – I’m 35 Years Old!
Thank you everyone for being awesome. Life is good. Each year keeps getting better and better. The last year was a bit of a roller coaster. But one thing is for sure – I am pushing myself harder than ever. Not sure how to explain it. Just feel like that maybe the stoic books I am reading is setting in. …
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