On the road, and it is a Saturday! That means I can finally take a break from my 6 day a week “Four Hour Body” diet. Tim Ferriss has turned this into a cult following of sorts, but it works for me – you stay away from carbs all week, but get one day a week where you can “let …
Speaking to People You Don’t Know – Mike’s Blog 038
So this is the second day of the Wechat conference (CHat Shanghai) and it was the day I hosted my workshop. Morning session from 10am to noon, I shared about the advantages of using free trade zones (FTZ) for your Wechat shop. Why adding the Wechat – well because this is a CHat – Wechat conference, of course! Rather than …
Shanghai is an Awesome Place; Mike’s Blog 037
First day in Shanghai- and headed right into the Wechat conference (CHat Shanghai). Definitely the biggest event in English for Wechat and Chinese marketing strategies in general. As a sponsor, Shadstone Limited got a table in the back of the main room to show off our services a bit. I wasn’t at the table much! I was out networking, video …
Flying in China, Airplane to Shenzhen to Shanghai, Mike’s Blog 036
Vlog on a plane! Want to experience what it is like flying domestically in China? Swan and I are heading to a Chinese marketing conference in Shanghai, all about Wechat – called CHat Shanghai. I wanted to catch an experience on how flying in the Chinese skies is. Tom and Jerry, Airplane Food, Chinglish, we have it all. Have you …
Chinese Sellers on Amazon Direct, Mike’s Blog 035
We have more and more Chinese selling direct on Amazon – and this was a massive conference direct in Shenzhen, China with about 2,000 people in the audience! American Amazon and e-commerce software people coming here to share knowledge and talk to this growing trend, what do you think?
How Do You Sleep? Mike’s Blog 034
Yes, here’s: The Sleeping Episode – Sleeping (even with Crying babies) Mike’s Blog 034 Today, let’s talk about sleep! But don’t fall asleep on me right now! Sleep is something that we spend about a third of our life on – but many of us don’t really focus on improving it. As I have crying babies and lots of work …
Grind Report- July 2016 Grind08
Another late grind report. Honestly I am still “Grinding” but I am forgetting to put together these reports. But man, months are getting better and better. We are halfway into August – and while that isn’t included in today’s report – I am on “fire”! Finally cracking my afternoon drags and getting a few more work sets done in the …
Mexican food and HaiGui in China Mike’s Blog 033
Mexican food and HaiGui in China Mike’s Blog 033 Saturday had a busy day in Hong Kong with business meeting I can’t public share, but got back to shenzhen in time for the hai gui party. But I was early, so a few other random new friends waiting outside the event went with me to get Mexican food nearby. What …
Going to a Bar and Not Drinking – Mike’s Blog 032
Like feeling awkward? Go to a bar and pass up beer, wine, and shots for the night and you’ll know what I mean. But for the past year or more I have barely been drinking. Sneaking a sparkling water or soda water instead of an alcoholic beverage. I feel much better the next morning and honestly just don’t miss it. …
How Is Mike Studying Chinese? Mike’s Blog 031
Often asked how I learn Chinese. Some people feel I have been studying forever and not making any progress. Well, my main study time is early in the morning at 7am, until at least 7:30am, or 8am, depending on when the rest of the family wakes up. While that is my main focused study time, of course I live in …
What Does Mike Do? Mike’s Blog 030
I know you guys are so confused what I exactly do. There are a few things I do – and I’ll explain throughout the video while walking around the busy streets of Hong kong, and grab a dim sum lunch. HK agency work, podcasting, as well as internet marketing in Philippines with Josh (check vlog 18) and new part of …
My Son Speaks More Chinese Than Me – Mike’s Blog 029
So my son speaks more Chinese than English and way better Chinese than mine already. (I really do study 30 min a day) . This is something I am still adjusting to – living i a Chinese household, with my kids – speaking Chinese. Sure there is some English – but it is China, and it is a Chinese environment. …
Working on More Video Blog Show Ideas
So people have been enjoying the video blog – cool! I’m getting less and less nervous in front of the camera, and it is coming to be more natural and more fun for me to do. I was inspired by a Gary Vee video about documenting instead of telling. Think that is what I have been doing, but the video …
Heading to Shanghai in Early September
Its been a bit over a year since I have been up to Shanghai – it is still one of my top cities in China to visit – maybe I’d go there more but the overseas internet just doesn’t work in China! So I will do all my “Shanghai” catching up in a quick one week trip. Speaking a Wechat …
Hong Kong Hustle – Mikes’ Vlog 028
Hong Kong Hustle a sneak peak into some of the most hyper active days I have traveling between meetings and deals in Hong Kong. Trying to reduce the amount of borer hopping I am doing – but at the end of the day, I realize this is just part of the life I have built – and the opportunities I …
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