In a massive ball pit- last Sunday was family day and I was a mule. I pushed around a lot as a daddy getting the banana boat through the balls. Pizza with other daddies and mommies – but Miles couldn’t sit still enough just wanting to go to the massive ball pit. Finally we went down after lunch to get …
Can We Get our Kid Into School in China? Mike’s Blog 047
Can We Find a School For Miles? – Mike’s Blog 047 So, as usual I take my video camera out on the streets with me. We were hunting for schools to send Miles – can you believe he is almost 3 years old now? Well, in May, but it is going to come up before we know it. Looking at …
Success Is Not About Luck – Mike’s Blog 046
Nick’s pet peeve – It is NOT luck. Success Is Not About Luck – Mike’s Blog 046 Saturday action packed day for – three part series day – bright and early at 9am to have a management meeting through lunch, and then a member’s mastermind round table in the afternoon, followed by an evening speech with Nick Ramil discussing …
Neighbors and Babies, Life in China – Mike’s Blog 045
Been a bit behind on my video blogging – going to do them more “on demand” when cool stuff is happening ? This one we hung out with family and friends over the weekend, with the theme being what do you do with your neighbors when you have kids. Playmates, babysitters, or more?
FollowLiker – Twitter Marketing Tool (Tutorial & Review)
With approximately 310 million monthly active users in its ranks, Twitter is a social media platform that can be very beneficial in driving traffic to your websites. Our last article was aimed at pinning a tweet, but our current article is intended to introduce you to a very handy Twitter marketing tool “FollowLiker”. It is a reliable, intuitive and multipurpose …
How Do You Appreciate What You Have? Mike’s Blog 044
We Need To Appreciate Life – Mike’s Blog 044 Life is short, we need to make the best of it. Today I bumped into a very positive thinking woman in the park first thing in the morning – and found out during the interview she is homeless – for 3 months. Life can take unexpected turns but she is positive. …
October Is Going To Be A Busy Month!
Here is my crazy outline for October 2016. Let’s rock! October Holiday (Mid Autumn Festival) (Flight to Shenyang Wed, Oct 5) – The month will start off with the second biggest holiday in China. We plan to go to hometown in Northeast China (Dong Bei) Shenyang. To see family and celebrate Wendy’s grandmother’s big birthday. DCBKK – Tues Oct 11 …
Video Blogging Affecting My Life – Mike’s Blog 043
Video blogging is changing my life! Each video I am connecting with more amazing people. And trying to make the story all connect as I vlog it! For example, Hugh from Coco Color (on vlog 28) gave me a sample of his product to try out ( still need to do a proper review of it, give me some time …
Who Wants To Ride Share For Canton Fair (Shenzhen/Guangzhou)?
Let’s start Sharing Rides from Shenzhen to Guangzhou and back! Who wants to share a ride with me from Shenzhen to Guangzhou for the Canton Fair? There are more and more services for car sharing. But the trick is to get enough people to pool together. I’m planning to go at least one time – Saturday Oct 22nd in the …
Mixed Baby Lifestyle – Mike’s Blog 042
Getting deep on today’s video blog – mixed babies – more specifically Chinese / American (or Western) background kids and how they grow up. How is their experience, their perspective. Cross culture relationships, upbringings. This could be a huge college course long video – but we keep it light and go to my friend Jamon and Natasha’s daughter Renne birthday …
Pirates in a Chinese Ice World – Mike’s Blog 041
Back in Shenzhen, China – its been a few days since the last video blog – catching up on tons of work after Shanghai trip, but now some time for a family afternoon. Love being able to take an afternoon on a Friday and spend it with my wife and kids. We went to an “Ice World” show in OCT …
How I Became an E-Resident of Estonia – Mike’s Blog 040
Yes, I’m serious! So I’m in Shanghai and one of the main things on my list was to pick up my approved E-Residency card for the country of Estonia! I am going to now learn more how to opan a company and bank account there in future posts. This is good research and development for my business blog Global From …
Getting Fat in Shanghai Mike’s Blog 039
On the road, and it is a Saturday! That means I can finally take a break from my 6 day a week “Four Hour Body” diet. Tim Ferriss has turned this into a cult following of sorts, but it works for me – you stay away from carbs all week, but get one day a week where you can “let …
Speaking to People You Don’t Know – Mike’s Blog 038
So this is the second day of the Wechat conference (CHat Shanghai) and it was the day I hosted my workshop. Morning session from 10am to noon, I shared about the advantages of using free trade zones (FTZ) for your Wechat shop. Why adding the Wechat – well because this is a CHat – Wechat conference, of course! Rather than …
Shanghai is an Awesome Place; Mike’s Blog 037
First day in Shanghai- and headed right into the Wechat conference (CHat Shanghai). Definitely the biggest event in English for Wechat and Chinese marketing strategies in general. As a sponsor, Shadstone Limited got a table in the back of the main room to show off our services a bit. I wasn’t at the table much! I was out networking, video …
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