Seriously wish I did this years and years ago. Been kinda dragging along the past year or so with daily alerts and notifications. We are really becoming slaves to our phones, to the internet. Checking our notifications is the biggest addiction. I do come on each day to write, been still growing the parts of the Global From Asia course …
Happy Birthday, My Dear Maggie
Sneaking in some internet action on my “Digital Detox” to share my amazing daughter’s first year birthday. The snow princess. Born on the coldest day EVER for Shenzhen, China last year – she truly is an ice queen 🙂 We are here in the middle of nowhere Guangdong province. One of those Ghost cities in China that the American news …
Hanging at the China Marketing Summit
Enjoyed an afternoon at the China Marketing Summit in Shenzhen, China. Speakers and networking were fantastic.
Going to Try To Take a Week Off!
Can you believe it? I don’t think it is possible, but the last week of January I am going to try to not check my computer or my phone – at least not too much. It is Chinese New Year anyway, so most of China is on lock down and closed for business. But normally I’m working on website development …
50 Free Ways to Increase Your Twitter Followers
Twitter is a formidable marketing tool for small as well as large scale business enterprises if used in the correct manner. It can go a long way in generating potential sales contacts with persons or companies interested in your goods or services, strengthening your brand, and establishing key contacts with prospective customers. What really can be considered a huge obstacle …
Shipped Our Kid Off To Hometown for Chinese New Year
Much quieter here in my morning writing session. Productivity will go up – but up, but missing the little dude already. We sent Miles up with his grandpa to my wife’s hometown for Chinese New Year. My wife wanted all of us to go, but between financial, business sense, and it is so COLD up there, we decided instead to …
You know you’ve been in China too long when……
Good one I’ve sen going around Wechat groups today – sharing here on the blog for the records 😉 A bunch of these I am guilty of…. “knowing when you’ve been in China too long”…. 1. You’re at an expensive western restaurant and don’t even notice the guy at the next table yelling into his cell phone 2. You enjoy …
2017 Is The Beginning of a New Cycle
Its a New Year – What’s the Plan? I’m really so excited for this year. One cool thing I heard from my friend QY on her Facebook is we are at the beginning of a new “cycle” (cycle of what, I’m not too sure) – but here it goes: 2016 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9 …
Taking This Photo Made Me Think Of My Childhood
Walking around a local park in Shenzhen, China on New Years Day with the family – what could be cooler? Having a flashback of your own childhood during the walk. And that is what happened – there is a construction area at the park where they buried the crane instead of moving it – guessing its for kids to play …
2016 Year End Review
(testing combining a blog post and a video blog as 1 WordPress post, feedback appreciated!) Technically today is Jan 1, 2017 – while it is always confusing me to make separate blog posts about last year and one for the coming year – I’m gonna merge them up in my morning brain dump today. Quarter 1 2016 – Full Time …
New Year – Invest In Yourself
As each year goes by, I try to mature a little bit. Well, now I have no choice to mature – I’m the father of 2 amazing kids and need to set a positive example. One think I’d like to “get out there” is over the years – I have learned that “investing in yourself” has had the most positive …
Trip to the Shenzhen Zoo – Mike’s Blog 069
What a way to celebrate Christmas! Take the whole family out to the Shenzhen Safari Zoo – Lions, and Tigers, and Bears, oh my! And yes, this zoo has that and more!
How To Celebrate Christmas in China and Hong Kong – Mike’s Blog 068
Back in Hong Kong and just before Christmas holiday. Got to ask some friends in my business trip what people in Hong Kong and China do for this big holiday. Have you spent a Christmas in Hong Kong or China? Well – in Hong Kong it is celebrated, whereas if you’re in Mainland China it is like another day of …
Backup Plan If Trump + China Gets Americans Kicked Out
Sure, when I first decided to move (well, let’s say “travel” that became “live”) in China I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. And starting out in 2007 I for sure didn’t expect to be writing this blog post in late 2016 as a husband to a Chinese wife and father to 2 kids, living in Shenzhen. But like …
New Twitter Design – Twitter Layouts
Your Twitter profiles are going to witness a humongous change. A change that will blow your mind away! Twitter is, at present, implementing a profile redesign for all users. The new design is geared towards focusing on the brilliant content that you share on Twitter. This redesign is likely to open new vistas that can help brands and business enterprises …
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