One of the best and longest lasting enjoyments I have gotten from getting involved in the startup community in Shenzhen has been seeing the development of Startup Weekend grow in the Chinese market. I feel it is somewhat my obligation as an American in China involved in startups and entrepreneurship to do my best to see this non profit organization …
Need Help Bringing Baby Milk Powder & Diapers from Hong Kong into China
About a month and a half in as a new daddy, and have had friends asking me if they can help me by bringing in things from Hong Kong when they are coming in to China. So I will make this a blog post for a quick reference to send people who ask me, as well as share why this …
That Feeling You Get When You Hold Your Baby for the First Time (w/ video)
This is what makes life living for. I promise it is one of the last “baby update” blogs for a while and I’ll get back on track. But really, this blog has always been titled “Happiness in Pursuit” and right now, this is a major milestone. After 26 days since my first born son, Miles, was born, I finally got …
How I Filed a USA Passport for my Baby Born in China
Sharing how I filed a USA passport for my 2 week old son that was born in China. While my baby was born in China, this process is the same for anywhere outside of the United States of America.
Life is beautiful, life is precious, life is short, life is fragile – Appreciate Life!
I’ve been unusually quiet on this blog, I have been waiting for the right time to post an update – as just about 4 days ago I become a father to a newly born baby, Miles. I shared the joy on my social media as soon as he was born, but sadly it has been a complicated delivery and he …
Starting a Podcast for Social Agent – Focused on Sales Agents & Connectors
I’ve definitely learned to step outside of blogging and getting more into audio and video. Those following me saw I launched a podcast Global From Asia back in the end of October and the results have been great! And for Social Agent, my startup, I have been doing youtube interviews but wasn’t convinced on a topic for podcast. But after …
5 Experiences Living with my Chinese Family in Law
So the Chinese in-laws are here to help. Seems in Chinese culture, that the whole Chinese family works together to support each other. May as well embrace it
The 7th Startup Weekend Shenzhen Recap & Highlight
This blog sometimes acts as a portal into China startup and tech, I thought I would share the blog post our amazing organizing team wrote for last weekend’s amazing Startup Weekend #7. It has really taken a mind of its own – the organizer and volunteer team is running amazing, and I’m so happy to see the startup community here …
New Domain –
Excited to post that today’s blog is being written and published on a new domain – For the past 7 years I have had been using the domain, and before that I was using Why the Domain Change? Well, as much I like people to remember my name – I think the full name is hard …
New Startup Office, Investing on Separating Home & Work
Been extremely busy lately – baby due in a bit over a month, still pushing as hard as humanly possible with my startup Social Agent, and just moving into a separate home office 1 building over from where I live. As a full-time entrepreneur over the past 7 years, I have had both fixed offices, home offices, and flexible (aka …
How I Obtained a Chinese Driver’s Permit
A few days ago I got a Chinese driver’s permit – and once I shared the news my friends on social media were so curious how to do it – so I thought I’d take the time and blog about the process. Thanks to Angel, Chris, Wangxia for the help! So this isn’t an actual Chinese driver’s license – its …
Turning 33 – Focused, Determined, & Family-Man to be
No big birthday party this year – I’m maturing. I’m focused. I’m executing. I see a path. I have great friends who support me, and give me great advice when I’m in need. I may be under some of the greatest stress I’ve ever been – but good friends are stepping up giving me amazing ideas and straight feedback for …
Shenzhen startup scene hot in April! @Haxlr8r’s Generator2.0, Startup Weekend & more
April is an exciting months for the tech scene in Shenzhen! We have 2 awesome events that only come so often, so I’m writing up a special post to make sure everyone is aware 🙂 I’ve been reducing the amount of networking events I attend over the years as I focus on 1 thing, and my startup Social Agent – …
Submitted Social Agent v2 Mobile App to Apple, not giving up!
Been a bit of a shut-in the past couple weeks since getting back from my USA roadtrip. Getting back to Asia after a month on the other side of the world – I was totally slammed with product development work with our amazing development team for our startup – Dan being in Shenzhen working on the mobile app, Chris …
Process of Marriage between an American (Westerner) Marrying a Mainland Chinese
Are you looking to marry a Chinese woman (or man?) Look no further, Mike shares the story from beginning to wedding.
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