Excited to announce I have taken on another podcast – China Business Cast. This is a great podcast I was keeping up with since the beginning, started by JP and am honored to take the torch and continue the podcast forward. The show is introduced as: he goal of China Business Cast is to help entrepreneurs who want to learn …
Video: Why Did I Come to China?
I’m playing around with videos and thought I would make one with Miles again and share why I came to China in the first place. This is such a common question may as well share it with everyone and refer people to this video to get the story straight once and for all. I never thought I would live in …
The Full Chinese Family Here
Happy Sunday morning! Sneaking some time away from family this morning to update about the newest addition to my home here in Shenzhen – my mother in law moved in last Sunday. She came down from Shenyang and we have been discussing this for months. After Miles was born, a lot of the family went back to hometown, leaving my …
Hashwork – attach your files
Hashwork lets you attach files, images, and Wiki-style formatted text to your tweets on Twitter.
Twilk.com – A Twitter background generator
A Twitter background generator which will create a custom background made up of your friends’ profile photos.
nom.ms – Tweet pictures of food
Upload and view Tweet pictures of food from restaurants or recipes.
TwitrPix – Upload, share and post photos to Twitter from mobile
TwitrPix – Upload, share and post photos to Twitter from mobile, desktop and email. All photo comments are posted to Twitter as @replies.
ThumbSnap – Share your photos on Twitter
This Share your photos on Twitter. Fast, free, simple and unlimited storage. Sign-in with your Twitter account (using oAuth so no password required) to upload multiple photos in one go and share them on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Digg, Reddit and many more.
FolExt – share photos on Twitter
lets you share photos on Twitter. You can post pictures to FolExt from your phone, our API, or through the site itself.
Localtweeps – find Tweeps in your city
Localtweeps was created to help localize the Twittersphere. Get found and find Tweeps in your city and zipcode.
ChirpCity – Twitter by city
This is Twitter by city. Local search, latest tweets about and from your city and a top users list.
Breaking San Francisco News
One of many Breaking News city sites that aggregate the best Twitter feeds in a city by category: news, events, shopping, food, etc. Los Angeles, NYC, Boston, London, Toronto. See one of the sites for a list of all cities. Click here to visit Breaking San Francisco News
Find, rate, review and Tweet about the best local businesses in your neighborhood or around the World.
Tweetmondo – Share your location
This allowes you to share your location and meet people nearby in real time.
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