Excited to announce that we have a budget to accept applications for a new product manager position at the app portfolio company where I’m a partner – Gigabud Limited. This will be role where someone will get the chance to work with a lot of technology in a cross-border international team here in Shenzhen, China. I need help with managing …
Experiences Making a USA/China Cross Border Kickstarter Campaign – FCS03
This post originally was published on Forbes China in Chinese. I am publishing here the English version I made (and then had translated to Chinese) for those English readers and listeners interested. Thanks for tuning in – 3rd show here sharing about entrepreneurs in China, focused in the Southern region of Guangdong. Today’s show is talking about a new Kickstarter …
Shenzhen Startup Community Launches “Startup Salad”
My startup friends have been asking me a lot of questions about events happening, and I wrote up today’s post to answer that. I’ve been involved with the startup community here since its early days, back in 2009 I attended a first “startup event” I would consider, called “Punch Party” hosted by Guang Yao in Kingdee. That meeting I met …
Reliving My Old Childhood as I Raise My Kid
Writing this up on a Sunday morning, trying to write every morning and on Sundays I want to keep it a bit lighter – as I’m normally writing about business and I don’t want to get so dry. This is also “raw” and unedited on the blog here. Being a new father has been quite the journey – really way …
Lean Hardware in China with Cyril Ebersweiler from Haxlr8r – FCS02
This show was originally posted on Forbes China (in Chinese) and I will share it to the English audience here after it is published in Chinese Forbes, my full column can be viewed here – http://www.forbeschina.com/column/michelini. Thanks everyone for tuning in to another Forbes China Entrepreneur show, this is our second episode and we are focusing here on the Southern …
Launched a Wechat Official Page
As we are “de-thawing” from the long Chinese New Year, I have been busy setting up an official Wechat account for the blog and podcast. For those not familiar, Wechat is a chat app (and more) that has taken over the Chinese internet and mobile phone by storm. Funded by the massive Chinese internet company Tencent, it seems like an …
Happy Chinese New Year – Year of the Sheep (or Goat)
Just a quick “Happy Chinese New Year” from me and the family here in Shenzhen. Stayed local and just got work, sleep, and family time in. Last week was the official holiday week, and there are a couple more days with the “government official holiday” ending on the 24th – but most people still won’t be back in the office …
Book Review: Zombie Loyalists -> I’ve Been Bitten!
Just finished reading the new book by Peter Shankman, “Zombie Loyalists”. I’m so excited I devoured the book as soon as it was released a couple weeks ago, and just finished it over the weekend. I listened to Peter speak as keynote at a DCBKK in 2013 (Dynamite Circle mastermind conference and he really moved me at that speech, discussing …
Guest Speaker at a Tencent Chinese New Year Party
While many of us in the Western world are well into the new year of 2015, in China we are still finishing up the end of this lunar calendar year and Chinese New Year will be at the end of February. So just like company parties for Christmas and New Years, companies in China have their celebrations at the end …
Learning From Dave McClure at “Wake Up with Dave in Hong Kong”
I’m on a writing stink this morning so I may as well keep it up – Earlier in January I attended the Wake Up with Dave McClure in Hong Kong event hosted by StartupsHK and I’m so glad I did. Those not familiar with him, he founded the accelerator and startup fund 500 startups Even though it takes me about …
Featured on NJBiz Magazine For My Love of The Speed Working in China
I’m really excited to share that I was featured in a recent article in NJBiz magazine December edition (web link here) for my love of working in China. Have been getting a bunch of people, both those I knew already and those who learned about me for the first time after they read this magazine. It is widely distributed in …
Had a lot of fun being interviewed on Limitless Laowai Podcast!
I’ve been hosting a podcast for over a year now, but have not had the chance to be on a podcast interview since JP had me on China Business Cast in late 2013, and on Terry Lin’s Build My Online Store episode 3. So this was a fun time to get on the other side of the microphone and get …
2014 Year in Review
I have really been slowing down on my blog here, have been putting the Hong Kong and China business posts on Global From Asia blog and podcast and also deep into my work at Social Agent which is now Unchained Apps. But I will still be posting on the blog here more for a personal journal and reflection point of …
Speaking At PostMortem Hong Kong on Failure Experiences: “Zombie”
Recap of the PostMortem Hong Kong event we had today Nov 22, 2014. Borrowed the bio’s from the Post Mortem website and then I write up a recap of each of the sessions and what I learned. Martin Kessler, Phonejoy Martin was extremely open with his session, getting everyone a bit emotional. Discussing how he should have researched his investor …
October Has Been a Transition Month
October Has Been a Transition Month It is no secret getting married and having a child is a life changer. It helps you to focus your business and “tune out the noise” in your life. I love it! Waking up to a wife, son, and my Chinese father in law is the most fulfilling and motivating thing I have had. …
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