moved here Advertise on Twitter
Advertise on Twitter! Buy and sell advertising in Twitter streams. Publishers can donate a percentage of their earnings to their favorite charity or cause, because Charity Begins at home. Click Here to visit – adCause screenshot Advertise on Twitter
Cuesense – finds ideas and opinions in tweets, blogs, and links
Finds ideas and opinions in tweets, blogs, and links and provides social publishing tools like multimedia slideshows, testimonial widgets, and conversation starters. Uses sentiment analytics for emotion grading and NLP for topic discovery. Click Here to visit Cuesense – PayPerTweet connects advertisers to Twitter
PayPerTweet connects advertisers to Twitter users in a way that allows the user to be both, selective and genuine. That is the most feasible thing
Promoted Tweeps – Become a Promoted Tweep on
It’s a new Tool that helps you to become a Promoted Tweep on .
Halfway Through 2015 Learning Chinese – Taking iTalki Language Challenge
I said earlier this year I would learn Chinese – and I’m doing good so far – but mostly been spending 30 minutes every morning learning the characters – not the spoken – so I am taking advantage of the italki Language challenge in June to do 12 hours of verbal training I have been enjoying characters and I made …
Twidium – Get more followers instantly
A great tool for loads of mass following. This tool helps you mass following. Twidium sends following requests to accounts interested in following you. So your followers increases. A must have tool to rank your twitter higher. Above all the tool is absolutely FREE!. Click here to visit Twidium tool screenshot. Twidium – get more followers with twitter – Announce Brand on a Top Twitter Directory
This is a new tool that make you easy to Announce your Brand on a Top Twitter Directory
The Right Chinese Business Partners Help Sam Marks Sell His Company
This post originally was published on Forbes China in Chinese. I am publishing here the English version I made (and then had translated to Chinese) for those English readers and listeners interested. Finding the Right Chinese Business Partners Help Sam Marks Sell His Company for Over 100 Million Us Dollars Welcome everyone to episode 4 of the Forbes China Entrepreneur …
Featured in Shenzhen Daily News: “From Wall St to the New Silicon Valley”
Really appreciate that I have been blessed with awesome media coverage lately. I connected with Lawrence, Luo Songsong, the reporter from Shenzhen Daily newspaper who made the awesome write up – and he was intrigued with my story and my lifestyle! We had a couple great meetups while he put together this story that, when reading it from the newsstand …
Why Twitter character is limited to 160 Characters?
The reason being is twitter started as a primarily SMS-based service, where the standard character limit is 160-characters.
Twitter Profile Pictures and Twitter Header Photos and Photos in Twitter Stream
This small but to the point article will explain you the difference between Twitter Profile Pictures and Twitter Header Photos and Photos in Twitter Stream
Top Twitter Profile Pictures and Twitter Header Photos of 2015
Twitter recently revamped its latest design now you can showcase your Twitter Profile Picture and Twitter Header Big, Bold and Beautiful.
Stop Receiving Updates From A Person In Your Twitter Timeline
Stop Receiving Updates From A Person In Your Twitter Timeline
2015 Twitter Header Dimensions
The below template has been tested on multiple screen resolutions and in Twitter app using iPhone (5). Please do not add anything in the “invisible areas” or they will not show up. You may still use the “invisible on iPhone app” parts but I suggest not to put anything important in those areas.
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