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Walking Into A Live Video Streaming Studio + Creating Opportunities

In blog, family friends, motivation, social media, vlog by Michael Michelini

Jumping full steam into living in Shenzhen again. And as you can imagine, there is just so much to do. My buddy James Sung at Zocus invited me to an amazing opportunity: a brand new live streaming studio office operation in Nanshan High Tech Park. They are still working out the details and pulling together resources, but over the last …

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“Fight For Love” – A Saturday with My Son

In blog, family friends, vlog by Michael Michelini

Getting into the groove of these regular vlogs again now that I am out and about (it’s hard to do vlogs when you are isolated in an apartment). We are now back in Shenzhen and I’m trying to take this vlog camera around with me. A great time to do this was Saturday with my son. Last Saturday was Chinese …

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Back to Business in Shenzhen

In blog, business, china business, family friends, vlog by Michael Michelini

After an overnight adventure landing and settling in to Shenzhen, we settled in a bit and then hit the ground running! Today I took the vlog camera out with me to some business meetings to give you a little sneak behind the scenes on “what does Mike actually do”? Anyone who is in the know knows that Shenzhen is the …

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Journey BACK to Shenzhen Living

In blog, family friends, vlog by Michael Michelini

It’s just like those mobster movies I used to watch as a kid. They always say, “Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.” This is definitely the case for business and life in China, but it especially applies for the city of Shenzhen. After about a year and a half in Shenyang, China (a northeast …

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Developing A Leader’s Focus (BBSCI)

In blog, business by Michael Michelini

The journey of life never ends. This blog was used to be titled “Happiness in Pursuit: It isn’t where you are, it is where you want to go, and getting there”. We will never be “done”. There will always be something else to do. We need to accept that and live life. For me, I am often thinking of what …

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School Hunting for The Next Journey

In blog, vlog by Michael Michelini

We’re approaching a year and a half here in Shenyang, China. And, the school situation is the main topic. The whole world has been locked down and we’re doing various forms of online and home schooling. We did find an in-person school in our neighborhood for the kids. But it is only for kindergarten. They call it a kindergarten prep …

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Got A Second Dose of Sinovac Vaccine

In blog, vlog by Michael Michelini

Yes, still here in Shenyang City of China. I have been trying to make a trip down to Shenzhen (the south of China) for some Amazon FBA acquisition broker deals and general meetings. But now, the south is on a lockdown again due to an “India strand” of the Covid virus. So may as well get my second dose of …

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Father’s Day 2021, Missing my Dad, Being Best Dad I Can be

In blog by Michael Michelini

Writing a quick letter to my dad (well, Facebook message…) and as this is Mike’s Blog purpose – it is a place to share and let others connect and relate with me on a personal level. I miss my dad and mom and family. Living overseas in Asia – the hardest part is being separated from your family and friends. …

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Snacking in China with the Kids

In blog, vlog by Michael Michelini

Just enjoying the Saturday “cheat day” and family day. Camille on the team inspired me to just have a laid back video blog today. We are all stressed STILL about lockdowns and other mayhem. But the family snuck out to a nearby mall that has a sauna/pool lounge we head to on a regular basis. Loaded up the bag with …

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Happy Birthday To Me – Turning 40!

In blog by Michael Michelini

Jeez, I feel I just posted on this blog when I was turning 30! And 31 And 35 Now I am here on this earth (aka blockchain) for 4 decades. Using that “” daily and believe I am about halfway done. But I do believe medical technology is improving and may be able to double that. Or, put my brain …

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Top Tip For Sourcing From Factories

In blog, business by Michael Michelini

“Be the expert for your product.” That was an important tip that Rico Ngoma gave when we talked about sourcing from factories. It’s true, a lot of entrepreneurs rely on the factories for expertise on their products when they should be the first and foremost experts when it comes to their own products. One must conduct research on how a …