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Traveling Through Taipei to Tokyo (Birthday on the Road)

In blog, travel, vlog by Michael Michelini

Do believe this was the first birthday “on the road”. Was able to celebrate early with the wife and kids on the beach (which is like some kind of movie or dream feeling) – but still, on my exact birthday I was on the road, on airplanes, and traveling. Yet I made some friends, had some chit chat, and got …

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Mike’s Travel Plans The Next Few Months

In blog, business, Events, travel by Michael Michelini

As China and Asia “defrost” from the years of lockdowns and travel restrictions – the next couple months I may finally be “back on the road” like the “good old days”. Curious what I’m up to? Want to join me on some of these events and travels? Here is the lineup for those curious: As of March 5, 2023, currently …

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Speaking On External Traffic for FBA At Amazon Global Selling

In blog, business, Events by Michael Michelini

Want to learn insights and strategies for using external traffic to drive sales and improve exposure on your Amazon listing and brand? Join us as Mike Michelini speaks at a free meetup in Chiang Mai, Thailand on Friday, March 17, 2023, from 5pm to 9pm. Many amazing people from the Amazon Global Selling team will be there, along with networking …

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Welcome 2023, New Year, Networking Normal?

In blog, business, vlog by Michael Michelini

The last few years have been a turning point for many, lives adjusted, businesses adjusted – and we keep pushing forward. Entering a new year is always a fresh start feel, and to me, 2023 is the year I feel covid will be mainly behind us. Especially due to heavy involvement with China in multiple businesses we do, it has …

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Unboxing – SuperBee | Beeswax Wrap Roll

In blog, Reviews, vlog by Michael Michelini

Grab your Superbee products today on Amazon here! Okay let’s check out today the super b roll this is handmade product in Thailand. I am gonna check it out now so really cool packaging photos of the of the team and this has been there’s many different versions of this but this is kind of the more common use as …

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Trip to the Chiang Mai Planetarium

In blog, family friends, travel, vlog by Michael Michelini

Snuck a quick afternoon trip to the space museum in Chiang Mai, Thailand Sometimes you just need to take the kids out and play. Been cooped up waiting for mommy to come back from her trip – and with Christmas almost here – lets make it happen. We were able to get a seat at the 2pm viewing in the …

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​​Meeting 15 of the “Shadstone Ninjas” on the Philippines Company Retreat

In blog, Events, motivation, travel, vlog by Michael Michelini

Many who follow my blog don’t even know about our main “operations and creation” company Shadstone. Since 2007 it has existed as a B2B agency for Asia business and boutique marketing. Since Covid, we have really doubled down on BUILDING LEADERS. Janette Toral has been coaching us and we have made some hard adjustments but am proud of the team …

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My Son Wants to be a YouTuber

In blog, family friends, vlog by Michael Michelini

It has been an ongoing discussion since we were in Shenzhen. Miles, my son, wants to be a Minecraft youtuber. Or a gamer youtuber, as he has other games he likes too. Wendy and I have been discussing it – this means we’d need to get a gamer laptop. Even my mac I’m typing isn’t powerful enough to do youtube …

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Experiencing “Sensation” in Mediation with The Living Crystal

In blog, motivation, productivity, vlog by Michael Michelini

Over the years on Mike’s Blog, we have talked about meditation, my temple experience, and diving deeper into productivity and focus with Pomodoro timers. Today, I got to experience what I am calling “sensation mediation” with a product my friend (and now business alliance in the upcoming crowdfunding campaign) John gave me in late November 2022. I only had 25 …