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Doubling Down on Personal Branding

In blog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Further Re-Defining Oneself & Skills/Value Since arriving in Manila – it has only been a month and a half but feels like a year! What started as a business development trip to get to know the partners at Alpha Rock Capital more while my wife takes care of her mom in China has turned into another major shift and turning …

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True Passion – Sharing and Teaching People How to Earn a Living

In blog, business, e-commerce, Events, motivation, philippines business, vlog by editor111 Comment

“Back at it” – The Alpha Rock Capital partners have let me loose and to do what my passion is – to share and spread the good word. Alexa and I took a trip to Quezon City (my old home from 2010!) to speak at Ace and Andi Estrada’s Manila Mastermind e-commerce event. A few hundred attendees there, all local …

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Coronavirus: Concerned For My Family in China

In blog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

The world is so delicate. Here in Manila now a week, and this outbreak in China seems to be spreading. Concerned for my family there. And everyone else preparing to start Chinese New Year holiday. Tweet from Dan Harris How much is still hidden? Is China safe to visit? Would you go there?China confirms 139 new Coronavirus cases The Guardian …

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Introvert: Accepting Who You Are

In blog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

I am an introvert. I think we need to just accept our human nature. Also by knowing ourselves – it helps us better connect with others. Cross Border Summit had truly amazing people. It is all about networking. Today is Oct 24 and we just finished the Cross border Summit last night. Was an amazing time – as always – …