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Bumping Into Old China Contacts

In blog, china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Catching Up With Old China Connections Back in my “hood” even to the exact set of city blocks where I lived and setup my office over a decade ago in Shenzhen. Writing that sounds crazy – over a decade ago. My buddy Dave took me with him to meet the real estate agent he’s using to sell his office there, …

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We Bought a Shoelace Amazon Business

In blog, business, e-commerce by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

We Just Bought a Shoelace Business (example of what I’m doing lately) To give people on the personal blog a bit of an example, at Alpha Rock Capital we just purchased a business selling elastic shoelaces on Amazon. They previous owner had been building it up for a couple years and it is a top ranking product in the re-usable …

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Are you a Dolphin, Peacock, Owl, or a Lion?

In blog, china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Are you a Lion, Peacock, Owl, or Dolphin? My wife always gives me another way at looking at the world. As she dives deeper into Buddhism, I often learn from various discussions we have. I’m not going to lie, lately I’m under a ton of pressure, being a dad / parent isn’t easy – the costs increase, and the work …

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Team Catchup, Manila 2019

In blog, philippines business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Meetings in Manila For anyone actually following these blog posts – you may wonder where is Mike now? The last couple weeks on the road for consulting and deal making in Bangkok and then to Manila to discuss cooperation with Alpha Rock Capital. Like many online business owners, I have a good amount of people on the team based in …

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China Trip July 2019

In blog, china business by Michael Michelini8 Comments

Back to China – again! Wife and a few others asking the deal – so as always – putting it out there. Here’s a very quick writeup so far 10 days on the road – July 6 – 17, 2019. This Saturday, July 6, 2019 fly from Chiang Mai to Hong Kong. Evening flight so spend as much time as …

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My Daddy Saturday Night

In blog, family friends by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

My Normal Saturday night Just a quick post – this is my life now. Saturday night on the sofa w/ the wife and kids watching Spiderman. My daughter was so scared of Dr Octopus – and my wife was able to snap this photo of her coming to daddy when Dr Octopus was running wild in the movie. I also …

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Sitting on the Sidelines Waiting for G-20 Results

In blog, business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Sitting on the Sidelines Waiting for G-20 Results I have never been so “into” politics. The USA, China trade war has forced me to follow politics much more closely. My livelihood depends on it. I feel I’m living in that scene of the Lord of War (my blogs talking about it 1, 2) movie where Nicolas Cage is at his …

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In Bloomberg About the Trade War & SME Effects

In blog, e-commerce by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Quoted in Bloomberg About China/USA Amazon FBA Merchant Stress I’ve been talking to quite a few journalists lately about the effects of the USA/China trade war on small business owners. One of them decided to take a quote – and it is in Bloomberg, Monday June 24, 2019 Here’s the link (paywall): And here’s a screen capture And here’s …

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My Son Is a Budding Artist

In blog, family friends by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

My son is an artist (family of artists) Uncle Bill has really been enjoying the photos lately in various social media channels (I’m not as active there – but my wife has figured out Facebook now that she’s outside of China, heh…) Here’s a photo he drew over the weekend. I have to admit – it was his idea to …

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Big Changes Coming to Hong Kong

In blog, hong kong business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Big Changes Coming in Hong Kong and China Just coming back from my second trip to China and Hong Kong and wow – things are changing so fast. I’ll write up a proper business post on my business blog Global From Asia soon – but here its personal. Really – the writing is on the wall about the speed of …

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Missing The Hustle of China Life

In blog, china business by Michael Michelini5 Comments

Missing China It is approaching a year since the family and I moved out of Shenzhen, China. There are of course the good, the bad, and the ugly in any city / country / state in the world – that is what makes life beautiful right? Today, as I am on my second trip to China in less than a …

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Another China Trip (June 2019)

In blog, china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Taking a Rather Quick Return Trip to China So the frequency of trips to Hong Kong and China has always been something of an experiment since I moved to Thailand. I took a week there at the end of May 9999 and there was still so much to do. On top of that – honestly it is hard to do …