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Will My Son Remember This?

In blog, family friends by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Weekend is starting – and Miles was so excited to get things kicked off he was playing with Atom Man (Is that the toy’s name, I’m a disconnected parent now) and asked me to take a photo (well actually a video, but I’m not video blogging at the moment). So I snapped a couple photos and showed him Is he …

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Call From Mom, For Any Day or Mothers Day

In blog, family friends by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Browsing Facebook (often times I try so hard to not get distracted) there was a good one from Anna Wong of Female Entrepreneurs Worldwide (FEW) that shows a screenshot of a phone screen with a notification that “mom” is calling (the person’s contact name is mom). It went on to say that we need to pick this up – no …

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In blog, motivation by Michael Michelini3 Comments

If you search the blog here – you will find it written a ton of times. Many blogs are built on it. I almost think Gary Vee sticks in my head for a few minutes after I even think the word hustle! I think my mom thought I was saying a bad word the first time I mentioned hustle to …

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Ideas While Drunk? How Do You Release?

In blog, motivation by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Getting Any Ideas While Drunk? Am I Missing Out By Being Sober? Early morning sober morning here as I type this up. Been sober for at least 3 years, maybe 4 (I can’t remember if I stopped drinking in 2014 or 2015) and reflecting on that. Some ask me why did I stop, or when did I stop – what …

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Tools of Titans Notes

In blog, Books by Michael Michelini1 Comment

So I read and reviewed Tools of Titans book back in 2016 but realized I hadn’t put all my extensive notes on it (I wrote a ton of notes) here on the blog – what the heck? So I hope you enjoy these, they are notes – but been helpful for me to glance over as well through the years. …

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Appreciate Your Parents

In blog, family friends by Michael Michelini6 Comments

I know I have talked about this before- but it is so true – you really appreciate your parents once you become a parent yourself. Especially since I’m a “single dad” right now – it is overwhelming. Yet at the same time, kids just show you basic, raw human nature. Want food, sleep, entertainment. And just directly showing that they …

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Preparing for Single Dad Life (again)

In blog, family friends by Michael Michelini1 Comment

We will be….. Witnessing Single Dad Life Again So the wife is off to INDIA (crazy, yes, I know) for a Buddhist retreat this weekend. She flies out on Thursday morning and will be back “sometime next week” (return flight not booked yet). She says I have experience For those who remember – I went to USA without her last …