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Unboxing: Plumepas Pampas Bouquet Set For Home, Office, & Wedding

In blog, business, e-commerce, vlog by Michael Michelini

Looking for some nice decor for your home, bathroom, office, or to use as wedding decorations? The Plumepas pampas bouquet set is what we are showing you today in this unboxing video. Made in Thailand, from various local farmers, and assembled and prepared at a specialized flower and dried grass facility, this is a combination of assorted flowers and grass …

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Elephant Sanctuary Group Trip & Experience

In blog, Events, vlog by Michael Michelini

Wrapping up the Cross Border Summit 2023 a few high level speakers and guests joined us for a Sunday morning trip to the Elephant sanctuary. Bright and early at 630am we met at the hotel lobby to take a 1 hour drive up into the mountains of Chiang Mai. Arriving approximately 8am, a welcome speech from the elephant sanctuary manager. …

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Pressure and Anxiety: 1 week Til Cross Border Summit 2023

In blog, business, Events, vlog by Michael Michelini

The last few months have been learning a lot about myself – from the list of conferences I’ve attended and spoken at, to the build-up for the “open border, new beginnings” Cross Border Summit organizing – even at 42 years old I am learning about myself. In today’s vlog, I bring you with me to our “at least monthly” e-commerce …

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DCBKK 2023 Bangkok, Lifestyle Business Owner Conference

In blog, business, Events, vlog by Michael Michelini

Well now I feel completely “back” since covid – making a return trip to DCBKK (Dynamite Circle Bangkok) since 2019’s. They had one last year in 2022 but I missed as I was just “recovering” from getting out of China. As always, the event didn’t disappoint – arriving on Wednesday Oct 18 and intense meetups, workshops, and just informal mastermind …

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Family Day! Swimming on a Saturday Afternoon

In blog, family friends, vlog by Michael Michelini

Back in Chiang Mai from a hyperactive Prague /Copenhagen business trip, jet lag was a 1 day delay to hit me. Getting some rest and relaxation on Saturday when my daughter Maggie comes to me and asks. Daddy- can we go swimming! Please!!! You know, life is short. There is a pile of work on my desk, especially for the …

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Experience At Mariko Presents Private Space in Prague

In blog, travel, vlog by Michael Michelini

While in Prague, I did some private events at Mariko Presents venue. It was a great chance to have meaningful discussions with business people instead of just in a loud cafe or bar. Also at the larger conferences, it is hard to get private time or space with those you want to focus on building a relationship with.

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Quick Copenhagen Business Trip

In blog, Events, travel, vlog by Michael Michelini

Wrapped up the speech and networking at HCPP in Prague, and back on the move. A couple days to squeeze in a quick trip to Copenhagen, Denmark. Why? For our new loadpipe ecommerce protocol, want to get some face time with a few of the people in the growing team. Rented a space at Rebel Coworking Space and dove deep …

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Traveling to Prague, in the Midst of a Transition

In blog, Events, travel, vlog by Michael Michelini

On the road again. My late Uncle Bill always felt that when he read my blog and my travels, rest in peace Uncle Bill. Leaving the wife and kids (again) as the theme of “getting back on the road and business development” trend I set a couple months ago continues. This time it is Chiang Mai to Bangkok to Vienna, …

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Transition Time: Temple Time

In blog, motivation, travel by Michael Michelini

Temple, series 2. The last time was in November 2021 when the markets were so hyped up. This time the world is in a different position totally – and we are all evolving and changing. My supportive wife encouraged me to check in to the temple – this time in Chiang Mai, Thailand, to undergo some mindfulness and peace. Friday, …

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Nomad Capitalist Live in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

In blog, Events, travel, vlog by Michael Michelini

Again, more networking going. Andrew Henderson started up Nomad Capitalist blog the same year as Global From Asia – 2013! Ten years later and he has really carved out an amazing community and content asset. Felt it was a good chance to meet all these “nomad capitalists” and join my first trip to a Nomad Capitalist Live event – here …