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Online Income Bible Book Review

In blog, Books by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

So here’s my Book Review for the Online Income Bible I’ve been blogging and creating content for years and it was a great rundown of all the steps someone needs to take to do what Manuel and I have been doing for years. Like other reviews I have read on the book, Manuel tells it like it is and doesn’t …

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My Son is Meditating!

In blog, family friends by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

So this just happened…. My son is meditating. So the kids are back in school, and of course there is that new stress of going to bed earlier and waking up early for getting ready for school. Wendy saw him a bit stressing out yesterday evening and took him into her meditation room (aka Buddha room). I thought she was …

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Back to School

In blog, family friends by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Today the kids have just gone back to school – winter break is over! Was hard waking them up this morning haha, they have gotten used to later nights and later mornings over the last few weeks on the holidays. They both really enjoy life here a lot. More outdoors and a house with a yard (not the biggest but …

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Psycho-Cybernetics Book Review

In blog, Books, Reviews by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Loved This Book – Bought Original Paperback Version I got a used copy of the original (see my photo) based on recommendations in these reviews on Amazon – I haven’t read the new version – but wow – I am blown away by this book. Highly recommend for everyone who is doing high pressure type work and wants to think …

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Invest Like a Boss Meetup Field Notes

In blog by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Invest Like a boss Podcast put together something much more than a meetup – I’d say a mini-conference. 5 amazing speakers came and shared in Chiang Mai, Thailand on Thursday night Jan 3, 2019 about investing stories and strategies.

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Buy Then Build: Book Review

In blog, Books, Reviews by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Buy Then Build – Book Review As I prepare to go to the Invest Like a Boss podcast meetup here in Chiang Mai on Jan 3 – I felt I should catch up on some reading about investing and this one was a new one with amazing reviews so I couldn’t help myself. Buy Then Build is a book about …

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Happy New Year – Entering 2019

In blog, family friends by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

I was just reading something in an old journal from the “2000s” – which doesn’t feel like that long ago. Now we are entering the last year of the “2010s” and soon will enter the “2020s”. For me, the biggest reminder of a new year is how fast we are moving in life. And how life doesn’t wait for us. …

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Merry Christmas from Thailand in 2018!

In blog, family friends by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Just a quick Merry Christmas update from Chiang Mai, Thailand. Evening here (morning in USA) hope to do a call with my parents – video via Wechat pretty amazing when you think about it – you can do a free vide call to the other side of the planet. Last night – Christmas Eve – we went to a nearby …

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Thinking in 5 Year Blocks

In blog, business by Michael Michelini2 Comments

So I’m a fan of Derek Sivers (need to learn more from him) and one thing that still sticks with me is to think of your life as a series of 5 year blocks. Because so many of us are creative and hyperactive beings that we want to take over the world (right?). Yet, we had this track, this plan …

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Year End Review 2018

In blog by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Year In Review 2018 and Plan for 2019 Well, just under two weeks left for he year 2018 – time flies when you are having fun. Or when you have kids! These kiddies just grow up so fast it is really true what they say! So I enjoy recapping what happened this year and planning the year ahead. What was …