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Do Tech CEOs Need To Be %@#$@^& to Succeed?

In business, usa by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Again, unfortunately, I’m reading more news supporting the fact that “nice guys finish last”. This article I read, Why Are Tech Founders Such Assholes? (Gawker), points out the negative things famous and successful businessmen have done in their career to get ahead. Sure, you can spin things in different ways, and life is always about perspective. There is that saying …

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Return of the Geeks, Have Their Fun Later in Life

In usa by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

I consider myself always as semi geek, semi cool…..I played on both sides when in high school, and learned to be flexible and deal with many personalities. I am not afraid to make fun of myself, maybe its a sign I’m getting old! I also blogged about how us “social media” online people are a bunch of nerds! There have …

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Cannot Give Up, Cannot Forget The Long Term Idea

In business, motivation by Michael Michelini4 Comments

This is what i am constantly saying in my mind each day, over and over pushing myself, “don’t give up, think long term”. i got a question in ecommerce section of today, a guy asking me which products are most profitable to sell online…’s question was: There is a question waiting for you in the category of “E-Commerce, Web …

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Feel More Equipped, More Professional Then Ever

In business, travel by Michael Michelini2 Comments

maybe its my turning 30, the fact that i have made commitments to my career and basic geographical location…and getting used to being in the constant moving….I am constantly having an internal battle about why I am traveling so much….its exhausting, but I think its important to what I’m trying to do….bridge cultures and connect people. Its the life I …

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Crazy Dream -What may have kept me at my NY job!

In business, usa by Michael Michelini4 Comments

I’ve been thinking a lot, and with my big shift from fixed office to coworking and freelancing, I think back to my time four years ago at Deutsche Bank and when I put in my notice to leave my job. My manager I guess kind of expected it, I had already filed with them (per SEC regulations) that I had …

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Managing When Everyone Wants to be a Freelancer!

In business by Michael Michelini14 Comments

Seriously today’s world is changing so quickly world is flat, technology is moving at lightening speed with tablets and mobile technology replacing the need for laptops (never mind archaic desktops!), coworking is the new modern office, and everyone is a independent contractor and freelancer! I have always wondered this since my day job at Deutsche Bank…so many people were not …

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Update on Business Direction & Life

In business by Michael Michelini9 Comments

I always like Sunday to be the day I reflect and if I had my way I would not have any meetings or work scheduled…just to catch up on errands, clean up the “house” (where I am), reflect on the last week, and think about the upcoming week and get prepared to do the best I can do. Just keep …

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Building an Awesome Team – Which Xmen Character Are You?

In business by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Maybe I’m such a nerd, but this movie “The Wolverine” recently made me think more about TEAMS and working in groups. And the most important thing I think about working with other people is UNDERSTANDING WHO YOU REALLY ARE….. I know, I think this is hard, to accept facts that we are born with some advantages, and over our childhood, …

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Ipad 2 Mania! Buy in USA – Sell in China?

In china business, usa by Michael Michelini11 Comments

I have been chatting on twitter about the ipad 2 mania. Seriously, even apple is amazed as sales are a million sold in the first weekend. I’m sure iphone factories in Shenzhen are busier then ever, putting extra pressure and overtime work on factory workers. Lets just hope we don’t hear news about factory suicides soon, though I am sure …

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Stuck on the Idea of Starting That We Never Actually Start?

In business by Michael Michelini8 Comments

I hesitate blogging on this topic, because I believe I am one of the extremes in this case….I have fallen in love with starting and making new ideas and new projects. This is a great article – Are You Afraid of Good Ideas? which spawned the idea for this blog. He titles the article towards people who are AFRAID TO …

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Reflecting on My Experiences at my first Tech Startup – Kozmo

In usa by Michael Michelini1 Comment

Taking a #bootup break (I’m at boot hk startup camp weekend) to reflect on my personal experience with It was a summer intern during the dot com bubble – the year 2000 – what a great year. Magical – my freshman summer at Stevens Institute of Technology, studying computer engineering, living at my newly joined fraternity chapter house – …

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Do I Need Money To Be Successful?

In business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Is Money Really Everything? Its kind of a second post in a series, yesterday I talked about do I need to be a programmer to be successful in a startup, today do we need money to be successful in a startup? Maybe its because am I a middle man in this whole process? Is my role not as valuable as …

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Do I Need To Be A Programmer To Be Successful?

In business, websites by Michael Michelini5 Comments

This has to be something we all think about when considering a startup, especially as technology and the internet continue to be the center of most startups. Over and over again, I get people coming to me asking for development companies to make their idea….and I have to kind of worry. Outsourcing scares me…its putting your money into the hands …