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Pressure and Anxiety: 1 week Til Cross Border Summit 2023

In blog, business, Events, vlog by Michael Michelini

The last few months have been learning a lot about myself – from the list of conferences I’ve attended and spoken at, to the build-up for the “open border, new beginnings” Cross Border Summit organizing – even at 42 years old I am learning about myself. In today’s vlog, I bring you with me to our “at least monthly” e-commerce …

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DCBKK 2023 Bangkok, Lifestyle Business Owner Conference

In blog, business, Events, vlog by Michael Michelini

Well now I feel completely “back” since covid – making a return trip to DCBKK (Dynamite Circle Bangkok) since 2019’s. They had one last year in 2022 but I missed as I was just “recovering” from getting out of China. As always, the event didn’t disappoint – arriving on Wednesday Oct 18 and intense meetups, workshops, and just informal mastermind …

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Amazon FBA Meetup FBA4U April 2023

In blog, business, travel, vlog by Michael Michelini

What would the Canton Fair be without Chris and Cindy’s FBA4U Amazon FBA seller meetup!? On Tuesday April 25, 2023 I was able to participate – and as a media partner via Global From Asia – had a blast recording some fun footage. The meetup is a free seller meetup to connect with other ecommerce business owners who came out …

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Canton Fair Trip – April 2023

In blog, business, Events, travel, vlog by Michael Michelini

Another Canton Fair down in the history books – and our Global From Asia community and crew was able to host another tour. First since Covid came down upon us – things were warming back up – border issues/ visa issues – so the group was less than expected – yet we made the most of it. Also working closely …

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Japan Amazon Seller Conference Mastermind

In blog, business, e-commerce, travel, vlog by Michael Michelini

First Trip To Tokyo, Japan – Mastermind on Selling on Amazon JP Intense intense trip. Leaving on my forty second birthday on a trip via Taipei, I arrived to Tokyo on Monday evening for a two day intense mastermind conference on learning all things on importing and selling in the Japanese market. My friend Gary Huang worked super hard to …

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Mike’s Travel Plans The Next Few Months

In blog, business, Events, travel by Michael Michelini

As China and Asia “defrost” from the years of lockdowns and travel restrictions – the next couple months I may finally be “back on the road” like the “good old days”. Curious what I’m up to? Want to join me on some of these events and travels? Here is the lineup for those curious: As of March 5, 2023, currently …

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Speaking On External Traffic for FBA At Amazon Global Selling

In blog, business, Events by Michael Michelini

Want to learn insights and strategies for using external traffic to drive sales and improve exposure on your Amazon listing and brand? Join us as Mike Michelini speaks at a free meetup in Chiang Mai, Thailand on Friday, March 17, 2023, from 5pm to 9pm. Many amazing people from the Amazon Global Selling team will be there, along with networking …