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Healthcare, easy everywhere except USA

In usa by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

So Bas and Brent are looking into healthcare and coverage options (I guess i’m crazy, but haven’t had insurance for 2 years). And its pretty hilarious to see how the quotes look – they are VERY reasonable OUTSIDE of USA coverage. The doctor costs and the healthcare system in America is soo screwed up I think back to my time …

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Top 10 Bankruptcies in US History, 3 this month

In business, usa by Michael Michelini2 Comments

Wow, reading this financial article about the top 10 US bankruptcies…and 3 on the list just happened this month! GM today, Chrysler April 30, and Thornburg Mortgage on May 1. My friends back at Deutsche Bank Distressed Debt Desk MUST BE BUSY AS EVER! I remember how much work it was to work through the mess for Enron, worldcom, united …

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Thank You For Calling Bank of America

In usa by Michael Michelini9 Comments

another interesting fact when moving abroad, especially China…is not only the time difference but dealing with finances from back home in USA. So, lets go through this saga step by step – 1)’s credit card program was bought by American express from GE corporate card – and this specific card program (productivity online) was closed and all cardholders had …

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Financial Crisis & Personal Investments

In business by Michael Michelini2 Comments

as we all watch the world “collapse” I sit back and ponder. I guess I feel a bit lucky, personally, because my life savings is currently invested in my own startups rather than a stock portfolio (except my rapidly deteriorating retirement fund which I cannot touch for 40 years anyway) But we all need to sit back….should this say “why …

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How to valuate these companies???

In business by Michael Michelini2 Comments

the more i study business and finance the more i learn its all a crapshoot….but there are 3 ways to valuate a company 1) book value times a multiple —– assets minus liabilities = book value. Then you get the multiple based on market value for similar companies. 2) cash flow times a multple —– how much free cash is …

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Maybe I Should have gone to MBA school……

In usa by Michael Michelini2 Comments

Shanghai China Disco MT3 a few nights ago Past week….was a rollercoaster….emergency call from a usa customer… day flight to a factory (below) 2 days of negotiation….conference calls, fighting….contracts, legal consul, everyone wants to be a “boss” until shit hits the fan. Maybe MBA school would have been a better way to learn….but then again…..what do you really learn in …

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Last day in USA – San Diego – Appreciation for the US

In usa by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Spent the past few days in good ol’ san diego california! Amazing place…..really is a paradise. Bought some hippie and beach souveniers for my friends in China. Hard shopping for Chinese because everything is MADE IN CHINA!!!! My last full day in US for…who knows how long….and makes you realize how lucky people in the states are. I hope everyone …

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Action Packed New york city / jersey city / hoboken

In usa by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Above – spent a Sunday afternoon with my friend Laird and Carl – they’re happily married and expecting their first child…..amazing! spending past few days visiting coworkers, friends, and business associates. Trying to do 110% what is possible….upsetting some with overbooking myself…..realizing that I just can’t see everyone and do everything…only a few more days and then Chicago…… keep pushing …

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Back to USA – we need to consume less!

In usa by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Back in the USA for a week now – great meeting friends, customers, suppliers…. All I can do is read the news and look around. It makes me realize how the world is FLATTER and FLATTER China, India, emerging markets – aren’t emerging anymore They are developed lands, with people who are driving more, eating more, living more. I read …

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made it to Hoboken!

In usa by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

good old hoboken, new jersey. been back since late monday night. visiting old school faculty, friends, and getting back to the hyper lifestyle…. Just had pizza w/ my friends Lily, Chris, and Tyler (CAPITAL T!!) Alumni event at Stevens Tech in a couple hours, did banking, client relations, and now at the computer lab.

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oh you’re american…..the canadian dollar is worth more….

In usa by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

oh man….every Canadian I talk to it seems…I’ll explain I’m from the US..and one of the first things…oh yea, you know the Canadian dollar is worth more then a US dollar??? nah…I didn’t notice at the FX exchange….. sad thing…i’d bet the Canadian dollar will continue to appreciate vs. the US dollar. Supposed to be on our way to Montreal …

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landed in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada!

In usa by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

freezing my arse off in Halifax! he won’t sell britney spears! This CD shop I stopped by, the owner refuses to sell music that he doesn’t like…he has a cool dog too! late last night landed in Halifax. My buddy from College, Salem, picked me up. We’re roadtripping through Montreal and then to Hoboken / NYC. He’s relocating back there …

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Survived Cyber Monday – Who Needs an MBA?? Experience!

In business by Michael Michelini9 Comments

Feel like I’ve passed some kind of test. Retail site New York Bar Store survived a rough couple weeks……internal employee issues…operations….chargebacks….but we manage…regroup…and move on. I remember I was thinking of getting an MBA…but you know what? 1) I never liked school – I like to study what I want to use in life. 2) I don’t want to pay …

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back in the USA

In usa by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

arrived back in the states about 12 hours ago….measured how long it took me….lets see – I left my hotel in Beijing about 11am local time (10pm ET) and arrived in Miami Airport 10:30pm (11:30am next day China) so about 24 hours of traveling…..I usually don’t sleep on planes…but I kept catching myself knocked out sleeping in weird positions w/ …