Man….its hard to shop in America after spending four years in China! Everything I look at I try to calculate the manufacturer’s price and landed cost! One of the things some of my friends and business colleagues in China asked me to do was to go to a shopping mall in America, snap photos of products along with price tags, …
Reflections On Steve Jobs Death….Losing a Great American Entrepreneur
I have blogged about looking in the mirror every morning which is from Steve Jobs….we have to live each day like it will be our last, we have to look into the mirror in the morning, when we are washing our face and thinking about what we will do that day. I still try to force myself to think that …
USA is making me focus, and realize –> I belong in Asia, feeling…guilty
Coming back to America always is a reflecting point for me, meeting my friends and family, seeing where they are in their life, their goals, dreams ….and of course they always ask me “what is it you do, exactly”? And I have been lectured to, as a friend, to get a focus… some read this blog (Ken!), and they do …
Hustling NYC, Too Much, Too Little Time
Seriously, I overextend myself and then get all crazy (emotional roller coaster) . This year’s USA trip was much more organized and planed than *** last year’s mania. But still, I overbooked myself, and feel like I let a bunch of people down….rushing through meetings and trying to get too many people together at the same time. Here is a …
Hanging @ Hoboken, NJ’s First Coworking Space – @MissionFifty
After Julian’s wedding I ended up in Hoboken for a few days, meet my Stevens friends and professors, and some business contacts I have made over the years doing online business. Monday morning I was looking for somewhere to work, and after quickly getting frustrated with coffee shops not having wifi, seats, etc I went and google searched “Hoboken Coworking”. …
My friend Julian + Tanya’s Jewish wedding
Sounds like a movie title, “my friend’s jewish wedding”. I’m a day behind in my blogging on this wedding, man that wedding was worthy of being on television – they held no strings back! The main reason I flew back to America was for this wedding, the last of the “crew” in my college ring of circles…Julian got hitched! A …
Visit to Los Angeles Ecommerce fulfillment center
One of the main reasons I am in Los Angeles is to visit various logistics and ecommerce warehouses I have been working with while in China. Logistics, sourcing, supply chain, warehousing, inventory control = OPERATIONS that I am weak in. I believe we all need to be open and honest as to what our strong points are and what our …
So Hard To Get a USA SIM…American Telecom Companies suck!
Seriously, one of the worst things about coming to USA each time is figuring out a phone plan….I think almost any other country I have been to in the world, and I have been to UK, Italy, China, Philippines, Thailand, etc….I just go to a 7-11 or a newspaper stand and buy a SIM card for like around $5usd and …
Jamming In As Many Meetings In China Before my USA trip
Again, its one of the benefits of “living on the internet” – blogging, tweeting, weibo-ing, facebook status updates….and trying to be as open as possible… that people know where you are, where you are going, and contact me to make plans and business opportunities / ideas . The last few days my google calendar has been jam packed with lunch …
6 Ways I Finally Reached Inbox Zero!
Wow, I am still in a bit of shock, hitting reply as soon as I get an email while I type of this blog…..I have been investing a lot into mobility and productivity apps lately and finally I can reap the rewards…..oh the smell of a sweet sweet empty inbox (those of you that have been reading my blog see …
What The Heck Am I Doing? Isn’t It Clear?
I’m a scatter brain. More and more, I seem to confuse people….like my buddy Dave Ho tells me, he is trying to help my business, help get me clients or sales, but doesn’t know HOW, doesn’t know WHAT I DO! I keep changing. …. well…maybe because I am still trying to “find myself” – maybe you are out there reading …
Preparing For Startup Tuesday #2, Feeling Like a Business Teacher
My mom always said I would make a great teacher. But to be honest, a few reasons I didn’t feel up for it…..the risk/reward wasn’t convincing enough…maybe when I “retire” (well I don’t see myself ever retiring, because I don’t even feel like I’m working now! I love the game) I will be a teacher. But also, I don’t have …
As The US Economy Continues Its Decline….More People Look to China
Sure, I always get some comments that I am giving up on America….but come on, didn’t we see this happening like…..I don’t know, years ago? I dont want to get political on this blog, mainly because I hate thinking about hearing political debates during holiday parties with the family. We all have different views on how a government should run …
I got a Mac Air – I finally broke down
Sorry PC friends…I have converted to a Mac….first ever in my whole life if you can believe it….well unless you count the iMini (i think its what it was called, it is a tiny clip on iPod thingie i got as a gift on wall street from a brokerage firm…..which i gave away rather quickly) I needed a new PC….my …
Booked my Flight to USA, September 21 to October 12
Some of you reading this must be thinking “here Mike goes again….this dude just can’t stay put in one place!”. In all honesty, I wish I could sit in one place for at least 3-4 months….but alas, this is the life I have created (note that saying, be careful what you wish for!!). But really, this is a cool life, …