Was a bit of an investment to get the Podcast setup (technically and emotionally) but once the flow is going, it is quite fun! Still a little bit nervous watching my recorded voice on the audacity recording software (podcast recording system), but definitely getting more comfortable each time. I’m also wondering how I should promote it here on my “personal …
Techcrunch Meetup in Shenzhen! Friday Nov 22
More networking! A bit short notice, but a pleasure indeed, John Biggs from Techcrunch is back in Chin (for Techcrunch Shanghai event) and then coming down to the south to do informal meetups in Hong Kong and Shenzhen to meet the local startup and gadget community! Jeff Broer is helping to organize in Hong Kong, and I will help out …
Amazing #DCBKK Bangkok: Time to Step up My Game – Turn Pressure into Action!
Sitting at the Bangkok Airport writing this up…mind is still spinning from ideas and motivation from this past weekend’s Dynamite Circle Bangkok (DCBKK) yearly conference. My life is already undergoing massive changes with my wedding coming up, baby on the way, and startup Social Agent taking shape. This conference just helped re-ignite my passion for the internet, blogging, and will …
Planning Much Overdue USA trip: Jan 17 to Feb 19, 2014
Haven’t been to America since 2012 (went 2 times, once in Aug 2012 for sister’s wedding, and May 2012 for Startup Weekend Seattle / west coast) and 2011 that I was in the east coast of USA! So seems all of this year, 2013, I won’t have been to America once…not the first full year overseas, but still something worth …
Heading to Bangkok! – Dynamite Circle Mastermind #DCBKK Oct 18-20
I’ve had my head buried in work w/ Social Agent locked up here in China for months – its about time I go out and network! I have always loved what Dan Andrews and the guys at TropicalMBA.com have been doing – having attended their first Tropical MBA meetup back in June 2011 (wow how time flies!), and I missed …
Why USA Internet and China Internet will continue to Separate
Note: Amy / Melissa please do not translate this blog post to my Chinese blog as is may be too sensitive and might be blocked inside Chinese internet. Honestly I hope this English blog isn’t blocked due to this post (or hacked…). Honestly, I will try not to write anything offensive or against Chinese government here – I am just …
As An Entrepreneur, Going 80% is Easy, its that Last 20%
Sunday evening here in Shenzhen, China. The photo attached to today’s blog post is from the top of Nanshan Mountain. I hiked it this afternoon, a few friends may have gone, but they didn’t feel like going. I still went. I tried to go the whole way up without stopping, but had to take a break about 3/4 along the …
Steve Jobs Talks on the Meaning of Life. Poke Life!
I love Sundays, its when I motivate myself for the week ahead. Think about what happened last week, and make an outline of the days ahead and the goals to accomplish. Steve Jobs, every entrepreneur admires the legacy he left behind. I recently found a video (youtube link and Chinese youku video here that truly inspired me. I know a …
4 Tips From my Experience Team Building for Startups
Those following my startup Social Agent’s blog – I’m so excited to have confirmed a new member to our technical team – Dan from Canada will be a PHP developer with us and has alreadyjumped in head first in the code this week. Its exhilarating. Its about showing your passion, and selling It’s About a Vision, a Mission, and THEN …
Social Agent Startup Go-Live! Most Exhausting Couple Weeks
Seriously, I may be turning 32 years old in a couple weeks, and out of those 32 years, this has been definitely one of the most exhausting times of my life! But I don’t regret it one bit, I love creating a business. And especially one that clients need and benefit from! SocialAgent.me (previously known as Weibo Agent), a concept …
Starting “Open Office Hours” to Connect Better
As I have been working on my latest venture, Social Agent, one huge difference from previous was the mentorship and feedback I have gotten along the way. From Shanghai to Shenzhen, to Hong Kong then Dalian, Beijing, back to Shanghai. Phone calls, mentor meetings, focus groups. My brain is on overload. An awesome person I have been able to connect …
Delay No More! Executing, implementing for my startup!
Sometimes in life you just gotta make a stand. Take a chance. Put everything you’ve learned, built, earned towards one thing and EXECUTE. I remember first coming to China in 2007, thinking how cool it would be to do an international business. I remember wanting to do Load Pipe import/export trade platform, and thinking “man, I have no idea how …
Focus, Do 1 Thing, Pressure to Succeed
Been a long road, but I think some of my mistakes in life have been trying to do too many things at the same time. I will use this Sunday evening (liking to blog on Sunday evenings) to go through how in my lifetime, I have never really been focused on 1 thing, and maybe relate this to others also …
Newest Venture: Weibo Agent, Chinese Social Media Marketing
Finally making the “official blog post” sharing what I’m upto lately in business (yes, I actually do work!). Some may know already from my social media postings last Friday. We all know, a couple months ago, I announced closing my bar products e-commerce business, took some time to get through that, but I had been burnt out in that business …
Leveraging Social Media to Find an Awesome Summer Intern! Welcome Eri @caibijia!
I think everyone knows I love social media and I try my best to document examples of how much it rocks! Being open, sharing your knowledge and experience is a long term commitment – but the benefits are long lasting and amazing. Eri Cai is in China for the summer, she went to Babson college in Boston last semester and …