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Content Creation: The Things You Need to Know

In blog by Mike's Blog Team1 Comment

What is Content Creation? In content marketing, the focus is on content creation. Business owners and creators expect three benefits for their enterprise. An increase in sales, savings with costs, and more prospective customers are the result of timely, valuable, and relevant contents. The strategies of the content creation lead the success of the content marketing. It is hard to …

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Affiliate Marketing: 5 Steps for Beginners Like You

In blog by Mike's Blog Team8 Comments

Looking for a guide for affiliate marketing as a beginner? Then look no further – we put together this article to help you understand what is needed from start to finish. Don’t Worry! From the inside the comfort of our home, there are many ways to make money. We do not need a monetary investment, all you need is an …

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4 Methods to Make Money Online

In blog, business, How To Guides, startup by Mike's Blog Team5 Comments

Is it possible to make money online? The technological advancement has changed our way of living and working. Thus, with the groundbreaking existence of the internet, it is possible to make money online. However, having the possibility and reality of making money online is not that easy. The internet has given us numerous possibilities to make money online. But, there …

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Celebrating Your Birthday

In blog, Events by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Another year in the books, a chapter in the book of life! Mike’s Blog 174 How do you celebrate your birthday? I have personally gone through various phases over the years. Of course we remember the McDonalds playground birthdays as a toddler where we have the cake, moms, and other kids yelling and screaming around (I’m starting to re-live that …

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Making Mike’s Blog Something Bigger

In blog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

As each new year comes closer – let’s all make our plans and see how we can grow. Take things up a notch. Mike’s blog is a great domain, and I want to do a lot more with it. For now it has just been a place for me to record the stuff in my head and also be a …

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Back in China – Back on Track

In blog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

I’m going to et back on track. Jeez that was a once in a lifetime (I hope) experience. Traveling to USA with 2 kids without your wife is something I do not recommend. The language issues trying to speak with her sister, and the kids hyper activeness and trying to communicate with my family too. While it is something I …