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E-commerce Networking Community

In blog, e-commerce, vlog by Michael Michelini

Working online can be a grind. It is all about community and networking. Over the years at the Global From Asia community – we have put together a private membership, GFAVIP, where we have been hosting online sessions, group trainings, and a full library of courses on ecommerce and online business. We’re doing this because especially in these times, working …

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Mountain Hike During Golden Week Holiday in Shenyang

In blog, family friends, vlog by Michael Michelini

Yes, been a while since the last vlog – but hope you are enjoying the shorter more focused videos on a specific topic or thing we are working on here instead. Those who miss these vlogs, here we go – finally leaving the house again (seems whenever I leave the house I have to take the camera!) for an extended …

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Meeting Angelica – Working Online Over 4 Years Now

In blog, vlog by Michael Michelini

Was able to meet Angelica who worked with me at our Global From Asia community for a bit a couple years ago. She’s based here in Manila and as I have been saying trying to get face time with as many people on the team and in the network for long term relationship building and collaborations. She just had her …

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Mini Vacation in China (Yes, in today’s Climate)

In travel, vlog by Michael Michelini

Been quite some time since last vlog, feels strange even recording and typing it up. A bit rusty with the video came – hope you can enjoy! A few of you have been missing the videos – but I do not want to just make videos for the sake of making videos. The point of the vlog is when I …

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Bro Night (A Match Made By Our Families)

In blog, family friends, vlog by editor11Leave a Comment

Been less active on the v-logging – just because it would be a bit of a repetitive one of me walking between 3 apartments each day doing my morning work (on Loadpipe, online marketing) to afternoon home schooling and dinner at the in-laws. Today – we have a “match making” session – my mother in law is an acupuncture specialist …

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Reducing Our Requirements for Material Things (Living with Less “stuff”, more Love)

In blog, family friends, motivation, vlog by editor11Leave a Comment

Minimalism is always something I have been fascinated with since I moved down to Manila, Philippines from China in 2009/2010 for an interesting year of commute between the countries. Moving always makes us realize – why do we need all this stuff. I’m blessed my wife is on the same page – and while we have just moved into a …

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Becoming a Homeschooling Teacher

In blog, family friends, vlog by editor11Leave a Comment

Guess it was inevitable to be in China and become a teacher. But this is different, Doing this for my kids. With schools shut down now until at least the fall here in China (they just announced in early May 2020 that schools will be further delayed from opening until the Fall) – I have to finally take matters in …

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Back on The Move – Visiting a Hazmat Suit Factory in Wife’s Hometown

In blog, business, china business, e-commerce, vlog by editor11Leave a Comment

Less than a week from being released from quarantine, and back on the move. But to be honest, not able to leave the province (like a US state) so easily due to the quarantine process and health check in each province. So we are sticking to finding and visiting factories in the “neighborhood”. We’re lucky to have Wendy’s network and …