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Journey BACK to Shenzhen Living

In blog, family friends, vlog by Michael Michelini

It’s just like those mobster movies I used to watch as a kid. They always say, “Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.” This is definitely the case for business and life in China, but it especially applies for the city of Shenzhen. After about a year and a half in Shenyang, China (a northeast …

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School Hunting for The Next Journey

In blog, vlog by Michael Michelini

We’re approaching a year and a half here in Shenyang, China. And, the school situation is the main topic. The whole world has been locked down and we’re doing various forms of online and home schooling. We did find an in-person school in our neighborhood for the kids. But it is only for kindergarten. They call it a kindergarten prep …

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Got A Second Dose of Sinovac Vaccine

In blog, vlog by Michael Michelini

Yes, still here in Shenyang City of China. I have been trying to make a trip down to Shenzhen (the south of China) for some Amazon FBA acquisition broker deals and general meetings. But now, the south is on a lockdown again due to an “India strand” of the Covid virus. So may as well get my second dose of …

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Snacking in China with the Kids

In blog, vlog by Michael Michelini

Just enjoying the Saturday “cheat day” and family day. Camille on the team inspired me to just have a laid back video blog today. We are all stressed STILL about lockdowns and other mayhem. But the family snuck out to a nearby mall that has a sauna/pool lounge we head to on a regular basis. Loaded up the bag with …

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First Vaccine Shot – Journey Of New Normal

In vlog by editor11

Shot #1 – First Dose of Chinese COVID Vaccine. A few of y’all been asking for VLOGS – so here we go. Finally leaving my apartment complex for the first shot of a COVID vaccine. Let’s do this. It’s been a while since the last vlog. There’s not much to show when you are basically sitting at home all day …

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Tip for Those Working Online

In blog, productivity, vlog by Michael Michelini

How will it work? Will it really work? These are just some of the questions being raised about working online. Yes, it’s not the typical office set-up. But, with everything that’s going on in the world right now and more and more people are getting in on this work-from-home set-up, you just have to make it work for you. Here’s …

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Alignment and Being on the Same Page

In blog, vlog by Michael Michelini

“The biggest problem about communication is the illusion that it has already taken place.” – Alexander Avanth This is definitely true! In the world where many are working online, communication is key. Always over inform as what Alex added. I mean, he’s right. We should always seek for our team, clients and all other parties involved in our business transactions …

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How is working with Shadstone?

In vlog by Michael Michelini

Have you ever wondered how your team feels working with your company? As I always want to make sure that the individual members of Team Shadstone is happy with their work, I caught up with our video editor, Alvin to ask this – How is working with Shadstone? We had an amazing exchange of experiences. Here’s a cut from that …

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Looking Back on Episode 100 of China Business Cast

In blog, china business, vlog by Michael Michelini

Came across China Business Cast and I can’t help but do a throwback to when all the hosts of the show, past and present, came together to do the 100th episode. Jons, JP, Shlomo and I looked back on the early days of China Business Cast and how each of us transitioned in our lives that also meant a transition …

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Working With Uncertainty

In blog, productivity, vlog by Michael Michelini

Uncertainty equals opportunity. This is what Alexander Avanth of Alpha Rock and I talked about before at the onset of the pandemic. There really is gold to be found in problems, especially online. Here’s more of what he had to say about this:

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Daughter Turning 5, Birthday Again in Lockdown

In blog, family friends, vlog by Michael Michelini

Getting towards the end of Jan 2021, and preparing for Chinese New Year (mid Feb 2021 this year). And, it is always our daughter’s birthday during this time. She was born on the coldest day on record in Shenzhen, China in 2016 (watch that vlog here) And her last 2 birthdays have been in lockdown up in cold Shenyang, China. …

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How Is Working Online?

In blog, vlog by Michael Michelini

I had a nice chat with our Video Editor, Alvin Canada during our retreat last year in March just before all the craziness of Covid. I’ve worked with Alvin for many years now and he has done amazing work. One of the questions I asked him was, how is it working online? Hear it from Alvin himself as he shares …

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Speaking in Baguio

In blog, philippines business, vlog by Michael Michelini

Last year in February, before all the craziness of COVID-19 hit, I had the chance to go up to the Summer Capital of the Philippines, Baguio City. It was a 6-hour bus ride from Manila. And, if you’re wondering what got into me to take that long trip, I was invited to speak before e-commerce entrepreneurs there. The workshop was …