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Moving to Thailand While Visiting Malaysia

In vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Moving to Thailand While Visiting Malaysia Well, it is settled, the school is signed and money is down. That was fast. Mike’s Blog 189 So I write this out as I prepare to go to Malaysia, yes, on the road. Some say if we have picked Thailand why continue the trip to Malaysia and Nepal? Well, if you have been …

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Will Living in Thailand Make You Lazy?

In travel, vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

The hustle and bustle – does it drive you? Mike’s Blog 188 On the second city of our four city Southeast Asia tour and Wendy and I are considering every stop. After Manila, we had some chats with other internet business owners and they gave some input about moving to Chiang Mai, Thailand, that many who go there get too …

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First Leg of Southeast Asia Trip – Philippines, Check!

In travel, vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

We are just finishing our first “leg”/ country / week of our Wendy/Mike family relocation exploration trip. How time flies. Mike’s Blog 187 On the move, well as much as possible without the traffic, here in the Philippines. It is Wendy’s first time to Philippines and she is getting the full experience – well in some major cities at least. …

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Planning a Big Move – Literally

In vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Planning a Big Move – Literally So ya… that announcement my wife didn’t want to have me talk about… Mike’s Blog uncut edition You guys know me, I want to share all the good stuff. There are times I have close people around me, friends, wife, business partners, who don’t want me to discuss something in the early stage. But …

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Meeting More Friends Moving On

In vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Meeting More Friends Moving On When I shared about making moves, a bunch of others reached out about their moves they are making Life is always on the move. There is always one thing that is certain, is that things will never stay the same. Mike’s Blog 185 A lot of us think we are staying the same. Humans by …

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Just Another Amazon Seller Asking You For a Favor

In vlog by Mike's Blog Team1 Comment

Just Another Amazon Seller Asking You For a Favor It has been about a year now since re-entering eCommerce, more specifically Amazon FBA We built a team, and have something to show for it. Mike’s Blog 184 Many always ask me – what does Mike do? Then the response is normally “too much”. I love creating content (as you can …

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Making Moves – That Thing I Wanted To Share

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Making Moves – That Thing I Wanted To Share Keeping it real here, as always (Even  when many say not to) For the family For happiness For fulfillment For legacy Mike’s Blog 182 So it’s been something in our minds since after the Cross Border Summit at the end of April. Especially now that we are doing next year’s Cross …

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Oh – That Video Where I Was On Beijing TV

In vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Oh – That Video Where I Was On Beijing TV Remember a couple video blogs ago I mentioned that hard and awkward question I got from the Beijing TV reporter? Mike’s Blog 181 Well, the TV show was released – and we were lucky enough to get permission to re-publish it on our blog here. This one has been cut …

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Comparing Yourself To Others

In vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Comparing Yourself To Others Mine is better/bigger than yours It’s probably something my kids are discussing as I type this… Mike’s Blog 179 Humans, we are very interesting creatures. One of the bigger issues I have with myself and probably everyone on the planet is how we compare ourselves to each other. Why can’t we simply enjoy our life and …

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Make Amazing Things Happen

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Make Amazing Things Happen That’s a Wrap! Mike’s Blog 178 So the third annual Cross border Summit is complete. I’m still recovering after an intense 4 days (yes, this event has expanded!) and reflecting on what has happened. Of the many event organizers I talk to, we all seem to say the same thing – the event itself doesn’t make …

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Taking a Canton Fair Trip

In vlog by Mike's Blog Team2 Comments

Taking a Canton Fair Trip Let’s check out one of the biggest product trade shows in the world. Mike’s blog 177 Right after the Cross border Summit – we took a few people for an additional (ie upsell!) trip to the Canton Fair. It was the first time we have tried adding a trip after the summit, and while we …

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Listen, Learn, Grow

In vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Do you listen? Do you learn? Do you grow?   LLG   A new thing?   Mike’s Blog 176   We are entering a new phase here at Global From Asia. This is the week of Cross Border Summit – our annual conference – and the third annual. Think by the third time of something you kind of get the …

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Image Is Everything

In vlog by Mike's Blog Team1 Comment

Image Is Everything Working on image and your online brand. Mike’s Blog 175 I have great friends, who give me those hard to hear talks. Basically I need to show off my “cool lifestyle” more. I am too raw and I am not showing the glamor and the good life. Had a private session with a friend over the weekend, …