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Digital Nomad Conference #DCBKK 2016 Mike’s Blog 053

In vlog by Michael Michelini1 Comment

What a hyperactive conference! I mean, from 7am until 11pm non-stop networking, learning, and inspiration. Just catching up on my blog here, did write some of my notes in separate blog posts on Mikes Blog .com that you can check out if you’d like – but this is purely a video. Already some on Youtube said it looks more like …

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Ripping Off The Band Aid – Mike’s Blog 051

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

How do you deal with feedback? While I am still a bit of a sensitive person, I have been working hard on being less concerned about taking things personal. Even if the feedback you receive is really rough, it is helpful for growth. Hopefully the person giving it to you is being constructive about it. So I’m here at DCBKK …

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A Mule in a Massive Baby Ball Pit – Mikes Blog 048

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

In a massive ball pit- last Sunday was family day and I was a mule. I pushed around a lot as a daddy getting the banana boat through the balls. Pizza with other daddies and mommies – but Miles couldn’t sit still enough just wanting to go to the massive ball pit. Finally we went down after lunch to get …

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Success Is Not About Luck – Mike’s Blog 046

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Nick’s pet peeve – It is NOT luck. Success Is Not About Luck – Mike’s Blog 046 Saturday action packed day for – three part series day – bright and early at 9am to have a management meeting through lunch, and then a member’s mastermind round table in the afternoon, followed by an evening speech with Nick Ramil discussing …

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How Do You Appreciate What You Have? Mike’s Blog 044

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

We Need To Appreciate Life – Mike’s Blog 044 Life is short, we need to make the best of it. Today I bumped into a very positive thinking woman in the park first thing in the morning – and found out during the interview she is homeless – for 3 months. Life can take unexpected turns but she is positive. …

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Mixed Baby Lifestyle – Mike’s Blog 042

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Getting deep on today’s video blog – mixed babies – more specifically Chinese / American (or Western) background kids and how they grow up. How is their experience, their perspective. Cross culture relationships, upbringings. This could be a huge college course long video – but we keep it light and go to my friend Jamon and Natasha’s daughter Renne birthday …

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Pirates in a Chinese Ice World – Mike’s Blog 041

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Back in Shenzhen, China – its been a few days since the last video blog – catching up on tons of work after Shanghai trip, but now some time for a family afternoon. Love being able to take an afternoon on a Friday and spend it with my wife and kids. We went to an “Ice World” show in OCT …

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Getting Fat in Shanghai Mike’s Blog 039

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

On the road, and it is a Saturday! That means I can finally take a break from my 6 day a week “Four Hour Body” diet. Tim Ferriss has turned this into a cult following of sorts, but it works for me – you stay away from carbs all week, but get one day a week where you can “let …