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Take Over America Campaign on July 4th

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Take Over America Campaign Mike’s Blog 111 Trying something creative and out of the box here – with ITTZ PR agency in Shenzhen, China we sent out 500 “red envelopes” (Hong Bao) with US currency overlaying Chinese Emperors on top of the US Presidents to top Chinese tech firms. We said welcome to America and making it clear that China …

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Saigon, Vietnam Meetup for GFA

In Events, vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Great time at the first Global From Asia Saigon, Vietnam meetup. Mike’s Blog 110 Got it done right off the bat here in Saigon, Vietnam. Landed literally the day before and came to a city I had never been to and did a meetup the next day. Thanks to Jon Myers and many others in the local scene for helping …

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Flying from Hong Kong to Saigon

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Flying From China to Vietnam Mike’s Blog 109 On the road again. My Uncle Bill says when he hears that song he thinks of me. Yes, back on the move – not as much as the old days – harder now with wife and kids. Kissed my wife and kids and left to Saigon, Vietnam. Andrew, working with me for …

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Techcrunch comes to Shenzhen – Mike’s Blog 108

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Hyper Networking at TechCrunch Shenzhen Finally catching up with the blog and v-log- normally I post more real time – but we had intense networking last week. Starting with TechCrunch, two full days of a massive conference. For me, I focus on meeting up with friends and contacts I have been talking to online and now get some face time. …

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White Collar Fight Night, Shenzhen, China

In vlog by Michael Michelini3 Comments

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face – Mike Tyson. Mike’s Blog 107 Enjoying some ringside action at the second annual White Collar Fight Night in Shenzhen, China hosted by John Graham and Project 0/1. Intense action, this video is full of upper cuts, knock outs, dislocations, passion, and more! White Collar Fight Night Rocked it …

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Who Are Your True Heros

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Who Are Your True Heros Mike’s Blog 106 The People You Will Remember This is from one of those chain emails I got back in the late 90’s that I kept in the back of my head. About the people who really matter in our lives aren’t those famous people on TV. We always get caught up in being so …

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Doing Whatever, Being Yourself, Mike’s Blog 105

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Wow, These Random Blogs Are Helping Some People! Mike’s Blog 105 It is funny, when the things you try so hard to make a difference don’t work as well as those things you are just doing on the side with no pressure. But maybe that is the meaning of life. To just let things be as they may and not …

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The Chapters in Our Life – Mike’s Blog 104

In vlog by Michael Michelini2 Comments

Enjoying The Different Chapters in Life Mike’s Blog 104 I remember being so stressed out about something in my life back when I was living in New York City. Funny thing is now I can’t even remember what it was. The stressful thoughts passed in and out of my thoughts for days. AT the time I was living in Murray …

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Life Changes When You Become a Parent Mike’s Blog 103

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Life Changes When You Become a Parent Mike’s Blog 103 Pretty obvious, but worth discussing – when you become a parent it is probably the biggest life change one can undertake. Friday nights turn from happy hour to disney hour. Saturday mornings turn from nursing hangovers to “hop on pop” sessions. The list goes on and on, and basically my …

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Here’s our 100th Vlog – Mike’s Vlog 100

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

We Reached 100 Video Blogs (vlogs) Mike’s Blog 100 Wow, we are there – 100 video milestone. Well, even more than that really as I did some videos before officially calling it a video blog – but from our counter starting from 1 – this is video 100. Have you been following along? All 100? No, I don’t expect you …

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Are You a Lover Or a Fighter? Mike’s Blog 099

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Are You a Lover Or a Fighter? Mike’s Blog 099 White Collar Fighters, Good Way To Get Out Office Work Stress? My friend John Graham is working on his upcoming “White Collar Fight Night” event here in Shenzhen, China for 9999 and I wanted to pop in and see all the training that is going on! The idea is pretty …