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Visa Runs / Extensions / Go Back Where You Belong?

In vlog by Mike's Blog Team1 Comment

Visa Runs / Extensions / Go Back Where You Belong? Just another migrant trying to take a month off from flying. Oh Southeast Asia, the land of visa runs every 30 days. Sure, it is fun for the jet setter – but I’m getting too old for this 😉 Mike’s blog 204 We are settling in nicely at the new …

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Leveraging the Chinese Community in Thailand

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Leveraging the Chinese Community in Thailand Maybe there is a benefit from being surrounded by Chinese speaking people in Thailand? Mike’s blog 203 We are moving – AGAIN. Can you believe this? You’re saying – but you just moved to Thailand and are moving? Well – still in Chiang Mai, still same school for the kids – here’s the story. …

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Bouncing Back After A Big Change

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Bouncing Back After A Big Change There was about a month delay -then that wall of – wow – this is really happening. Mike’s Blog 202 I have been reading more books than I ever did in school – which I am proud to say. But one problem is I am forgetting where I am learning new tactics and strategies. …

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Getting My Kids Immigration Visa To Thailand

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Getting My Kids Immigration Visa To Thailand Typing this up on the floor outside Thai Immigration at 6am. The things you do for your kids, and to legally stay in a country. Immigrants life is not an easy one Mike’s Blog 201 So we are now into the 200s for the video blogs here. Thanks Andy Bravo for enjoying the …

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Seeing The Elephants in Thailand

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Seeing The Elephants in Thailand Yes, couldn’t avoid it – the kids HAD to go Elephant park in Thailand Mike’s blog 200 A nice way to enter into our two hundredth video blog here at Mike’s Blog – getting kicked (if you call it that) in the private parts by an elephant. Upon returning from Yiwu, China sourcing trip late …

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More China Trips & System of Events in the Future

In vlog by Mike's Blog Team2 Comments

If you’re interested to buy a tour of the Yiwu market – check the Global From Asia Yiwu portal More China Trips & System of Events in the Future Back in China, its like that feeling, you just can’t stay away. I mean, who can ignore China? Mike’s Blog 199 So typing this up from a non-VPN internet connection. All …

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Families and Religion

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Families and Religion How do you choose the religion at your household? Mike’s blog 198 These kids will have such a rich and diverse upbringing. It is one thing I won’t regret – having Miles and Maggie exposed to so many cultures and personalities. Not even five years old and have traveled to America, China, Thailand, with exposure to English, …

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Using an Event as an EXCUSE to Change

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Using an Event as an EXCUSE to Change We can change any time we want to. But often – we need a spark, a kindle, to get that motivation to make a change in our lives. I think I’m using that right now. What about you? Mike’s Blog 197 How do you make a change in your life? Or are …

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Wow! It Really is Happening (Reality Setting In)

In vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

 Wow! It Really is Happening (Reality Setting In) Guess there was this delayed realization Or maybe coming back to China made it more real Mike’s Blog 196 So I am typing this up from my “home”. I slipped and told Meir in a wechat message that I am back “home” upon my arrival Thursday. Ya, China has been my …

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First Week in Thailand & Trip to the Zoo

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First Week in Thailand & Trip to the Zoo Well time is flying a week has passed already That overwhelm and realization of the huge shift in life Mike’s Blog 195 We are pushing forward. Getting a lot of feedback of how fast and bold we were to make this move – and yes those feelings are setting in now. …

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Kids First Day of School in Thailand

In vlog by Mike's Blog Team1 Comment

Kids First Day of School in Thailand All this rushing and accelerated trip / move for this the big first day of school. Mike’s Blog 194 So it all builds up to today. Good morning, Thailand! Tuesday morning here – been hanging out and moving in and settling in the past few days – nothing too exciting – just a …

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New Opportunities + The Transition to Full Time Thailand

In vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

New Opportunities + The Transition to Full Time Thailand Feel like I’m in the ending scene of that movie Inception. Plus I have a business proposition for you today. Mike’s Blog 193 So this week was intense – basically every day except Friday in an airport. Monday flew from Lumbini, Nepal to Kathmandu, Nepal. A night there. Then Tuesday from …

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Let’s Not Take Things For Granted

In vlog by Mike's Blog Team1 Comment

All you need is electricity and water (well maybe just water) In today’s world we all seem so entitled. That things around us are just there for us to take and use. Let’s not take things for granted. Or maybe everyone should take a trip like this. Mike’s Blog 192 There is that saying you don’t appreciate something or someone …

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Making a Decision with 70% of the Information

In vlog by Mike's Blog Team1 Comment

Making a Decision with 70% of the Information Yes, we made a big move in a short amount of time. Jeff Bezos style? Mike’s Blog 191 Getting feedback on how quickly we made a life changing decision in a short amount of time. Yes, it seems fast and it is nerve racking not gonna hide it. The last week or …

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Learning To Be a Tour Guide in Nepal

In travel, vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Learning To Be a Tour Guide in Nepal Maybe a new profession? Well, technically been something in the works for some time Mike’s Blog 190 Greetings from Kathmandu, Nepal – the capital – or epicenter – of a tourism economy. As it starts to settle in that I’ll be living in a more tourism centered country (Thailand) I realize how …