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The Grind and Balance of Business in Asia

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

The Grind and Balance of Business in Asia Mike’s Blog 212 In Asia, or in China? After almost 8 months I finally had the chance to come back to Mainland China With such an intense 4 days and some odd hours to visit and do business, meetups, workshops, and venue hunting for Cross Border Summit – may as well grab …

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The Last Vlog

In vlog by Mike's Blog Team1 Comment

The Last Vlog It Has Been Fun but This is the Last One Mike’s Blog 210 Happy holidays, Q4 here and it is always about turkeys, fat men in red suits and year end thinking. 2018 has been a fun time and now I have to put up a hold for these vlogs. I’m joining a new “secret project” and …

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Appreciate the Days

In vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Appreciate the Days The days go by so fast, wake up and before you know the day is over. Seems like years and decades are going by so fast. Having kids is even a faster accelerator. Mike’s Blog 209 Today is more a reminder – for myself and others. We are always so focused on the things in the past …

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Quick In & Out of China

In vlog by Mike's Blog Team1 Comment

Quick In & Out of China That was fast- a few days in Shenzhen, China and then off. Mike’s blog 208 Writing on the road in Hong Kong today. Strange feeling to go to a place you lived for over ten years and feel like a visitor – but it is what it is. We had our Cross Border Matchmaker …

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Putting It Forward

In vlog by Mike's Blog Team1 Comment

Putting It Forward Doing things for others without expectations and amazing things can happen. Does it for you? Its a great experience Mike’s Blog 207 We are rocking and rolling in October with so many things happening. In this video, I am in Bangkok for dcbkk conference where I always get pushed to work harder and do more. While there, …

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Getting Local Thai Help!

In vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Getting Local Thai Help! Sometimes you just need to put your hand up. While Thailand is nowhere near as challenging as China for coordination – it is already a huge help to have a local Thai person on the team to help out. Welcome Puii (Tanya) to our team! Mike’s Blog 205 Thank you all for enjoying our “pain” lately. …