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Taking a Tour of Hua Qiang Bei, Shenzhen, China

In travel, vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Taking a Tour of Hua Qiang Bei, Shenzhen, China Mike’s Blog 142 When you get a group of amazing people together, exponentially awesome things happen. Since we had the Cross Border Matchmaker coming up, why not organize a tour of the electronics marketplace center of the world – Hua Qiang Bei? And we did just that – some of the …

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Just Let Go

In vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Just Let Go Mike’s Blog 141 Processing Thoughts In a Flow State Fight club. An amazing movie that I have watched way too many times. We need to just let go and be who we are. And I have used this so many times for a flow state. I am wondering how to keep the juices flowing after an intense …

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It’s Christmas Time for Digital Nomads

In vlog by Mike's Blog Team2 Comments

It’s Christmas Time for Digital Nomads Mike’s Blog 140 Keep on making forward progress. The yearly pilgrimage for the Dynamite Circle – DCBKK is happening in today’s video. I’m such a fan boy – but Dan and Ian at Tropical MBA have done such an amazing job building up this community of digital nomads. Not really digital nomads I’d say …

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Keep Going When Others Say To Stop

In travel, vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Keep Going When Others Say To Stop Mike’s Blog 138 On the way to Bangkok, and bumped into Winson on the airplane – pretty awesome. Both heading to the DCBKK conference – one that always pushes me every year to break limiting beliefs and just do it. Which leads me into this blog topic – keep going when others say …

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You are Going to Win!

In vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

You Are Going To Win Yes, you are! Mike’s Blog 137 Get in the ring and do it. There are some days we may not want to get out of bed – but too many of those in a row and we have a problem. Steve Jobs test of looking in the mirror every day and if you are not …

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In vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Asking Mike’s Blog 135 We need to just get out there and ask for what we want. We want to sit on the sidelines and hope people will see what we are doing and ask us to get involved or give us what we want. Well, that is me most of the time anyway. It is why I love the …

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Hangzhou, China Campaign

In Events, travel, vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Hangzhou China Campaign Mike’s Blog 133 We are here in Hangzhou, China. A city not as well known as first tier cities such as Shanghai and Beijing – but one we should take note of. I’ve been fortunate enough to have gotten to know Lorenzo a lot more while he was down in Shenzhen earlier this year. He had lived …

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Foreigners Accepted in China

In travel, vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Foreigners Accepted in China Will We Always be a Foreigner in China? Am I Just a White Monkey? We have discussed “rent-a-white guy” in the past on the blog. In China, as well as other parts of Asia – the media, the image of foreigners has always been highly respected and value. Some say it’s Hollywood, some say because of …

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No Excuses

In productivity, travel, vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

No Excuses Mike’s Blog 131 Writing this on a bus in Evernote app using one hand. My Mac charger totally died and I can’t charge my laptop to do my morning writing. I’m rushing to Chinaccelerator office to hope someone can let me in so I can charge my laptop and resume work. Then I will go to a market …

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Preparing for the Upcoming Cross Border Matchmaker

In vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Preparing for the Upcoming Cross Border Matchmaker No, This is Not a Cross Border Dating Event Mike’s Blog 130 Google matchmaker, especially cross border matchmaker – and you’ll find a ton of sites about connecting rich men with beautiful women in developing countries. Sorry, maybe Wendy and I should have picked a better name – but that is not what …