Had dinner tonight with a couple guys from Paypal China, while here in Shanghai. I am talking to them about payment processing, merchant accounts, IPs in different countries. First of all, CHINA IS GREAT in the fact that I go to a Paypal office, can meet a representative, and then GO OUT FOR DINNER AND DRINKS WITH THEM. Haha, I …
When I learned I had to do things on my own – SOLO
As I prepare for my travels this week and next month, I wonder how I got into this habit of being able to go off alone to these different places with no idea what to expect! Of course there were some milestones like leaving home for college out of state….and before that going to catholic high school not knowing anyone …
Are You a Right Thumb (intellect) or Left Thumb (emotion)?
A fun way to see if you think with your right or left – using thumbs – and see what others are doing in this thumb test today.
Leaders INSPIRE action, not WHAT you do, but WHY you do it
Another great shared article and website, ted.com -which is a leadership and motivational website, sent to me from Terry Obershaw at SKU Touch again has got me excited – I am loving how more people are submitting articles, excerpts, and poems for me to add to the blog. Giving this blog a purpose! So Terry sent this specific video- How …
I don’t want to manage people like a slavedriver!
Its something that I am constantly battling….how to align people to do work they like to do, and to do work that I need to get done for a project or company….I do find myself PUSHING a lot….as I have little patience and I know what has to be done, but want others to know/learn how to do it quickly …
Being Able To Be Dropped Anywhere & Surviving
I remember reading a book by Bruce Williams called “Thanks For Asking”. Bruce Williams is a radio show talk show host my father loves to listen to. If you would like to read more, here is Bruce William’s bio and website I remember my dad giving handing the book over to me when I was in university. It was a …
Hard Work Ethic From My Father
I remember growing up, my dad would never let me call out sick from school. No matter how sick I was, how tired, how depressed, discouraged, or anything – I had to go to school. I won the perfect attendance award every year I can remember, from 1st grade all the way through high school. It just wasn’t accepted, missing …
American Expats Giving Up USA Citizenships
Yes, I bet this headline caught your attention. My friend Scott sent me this new york times article today – Lammy just sent me US Expat Taxes Drive Americans Away, and I thought I would discuss it more. “What we have seen is a substantial change in mentality among the overseas community in the past two years,” said Jackie Bugnion, …
Made it to Thailand – Came This Far – Not Giving Up!
Sitting down at a coffee shop in bangkok, thailand now, my last country until I’m back in China (well, I have the Canton Fair in Guangzhou before home, technically) and man, what a trip this has been, spent a bit more then I expected, but I pretty much got done what I thought I would get done. I was able …
Philippines – So Beautiful yet such political + economical problems
Last full day in Philippines, next step is Thailand. It still amazes me, Philippines is such a beautiful country…and the people are generally so nice and friendly…..how is it possible its under such difficult political and economical conditions…. for example, our beach house this morning didn’t have power for a few hours….and this is a normal issue. Another issue is …
Video of the Traffic and Streets of Manila
posted this on facebook too, but for those in China, where facebook is blocked, I thought i would quickly upload this here on my blog. Maybe I’ll try to post more videos in addition to photos, I was trying to get good photos of the environment here, but only a video can really capture it. enjoy! ( update Aug 2014 …
International Business – Forcing things to work
Writing this at 5am walking down a sides street in makati, manila, Philippines from my mobile phone…..still blows my mind the drastic changes in climate, economics, and culture in 1 country or region to the next,,,,,and makes me realize how sheltered i grew up in safe and secure us of america! but really, like i title this blog, business is …
In Ningbo – Now I understand why businessmen are so old
I definitely underestimated what it takes to start a business……i figured i had some customers, some cash saved up, the rest would work out…..hahaha, 3 years later (from Shadstone beginning, 6 if you count from newyorkbarstore beginning), the struggle continues….. This is my countless times in a factory in the Ningbo area (yuyao, ningbo, yong kang – all over Zhejiang …
American Companies Don’t Feel Welcome in China anymore?
Also while watching CNN in hong kong today….they discussed a poll about more and more american companies frustrated doing business in china….the numbers were almost 30percent as of feb 2010 I can admit….i have always had trouble but in a way i believe / feel it is also because the cultural differences….not a positive or a negative feeling, just that …
Everyone Wants to Do it – Start an online business
I enjoy learning about people’s interests, and what makes them tick. A couple years ago I became a “expert” in the allexperts.com/ep/1089-90814/E-Commerce-Web-Business/Michael-Michelini.htm ecommerce category of All Experts. At first I was going to do the category in import/export, but even still I am not an expert in international trade – my passion still is the MIX of internet, marketing, and …