“Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.” Salvador Dali I have always been a supporter of being street smart, or “hustle”, versus a person who knows what the book says. In life, I feel, so many times our specific situations are not found in books, and that is what makes life dynamic. I am not an expert, in no …
Cultural Differences Between Americans and Europeans
Being in China, I didn’t expect to be exposed to so many europeans….but from my experiences I have gotten involved with more Europeans than Americans here. Of course I am learning more and more how do to business in China as a foreigner…..but at the same time, I am getting exposure to doing business with Europeans. My involvement with DBR …
Differences Doing Business in China and USA
I know, its been a while since my last post…..didn’t have much internet connection in Finland, jet lag, and backlog of work….I had to sacrifice some posts….Tomorrow I am presenting at punch party, which is a time where speakers come and only have 7 minutes to discuss their topic. The idea is to meet new people, and get lots of …
Keeping in Touch with Family
I hope my Uncle Bill doesn’t mind me doing this. But a couple emails back and forth now, and I almost feel guilty how out of touch I have gotten with my family back in the States…I have to try harder to keep in touch and know what is going on. Here is my Uncle Bill’s email to me a …
Mixing Friends and Business
Dating girls in my high school – that was a mistake! It was a small catholic high school (Mary Immaculate Academy) and everyone knew everything about everyone. My first “girlfriend” was in my sophomore year in high school, I was a bit of a shy guy then, and she had a big crush on me. Asking all her friends what …
An American Spending July 4th in China
Spending my July 4th in China. Last year this time I was visiting USA for about a month. So this will be the first July 4th spent in China for me. Its a bit strange, as I have to remind staff and friends that its even some kind of a holiday! So I decided to write a blog about what …
Copying Products Overseas – Is it so bad?
Yes. this can be a sensitive topic. But hey, thats why I am picking it as a topic in the first place! And that is – how an original idea in one country may be copied overseas without any financial compensation or even a “thank you” to the founder. I, being born and raised in the USA, always was brought …
My site was hacked! Invisible iframe to Chinese malware site
Ouch, what a way to end a week. Late last night talking to Andrew at New York Bar Store and then he tells me about a phone call he got from a customer saying there was some spam on our site, newyorkbarstore.com. Then I take a look, view source, and a HIDDEN iframe inserted on the footer of the majority …
More Bank of America Fights – international travel issues
Just want to log this in the journal….I am trying to make a payment to someone in USA, rather urgent. took some time collecting the proper information – account details, wire information, zip code, etc. I get to the online banking, and what stops me is the last 8 of my checking card! Which I have not received, was sent …
Healthcare, easy everywhere except USA
So Bas and Brent are looking into healthcare and coverage options (I guess i’m crazy, but haven’t had insurance for 2 years). And its pretty hilarious to see how the quotes look – they are VERY reasonable OUTSIDE of USA coverage. The doctor costs and the healthcare system in America is soo screwed up I think back to my time …
Top 10 Bankruptcies in US History, 3 this month
Wow, reading this financial article about the top 10 US bankruptcies…and 3 on the list just happened this month! GM today, Chrysler April 30, and Thornburg Mortgage on May 1. My friends back at Deutsche Bank Distressed Debt Desk MUST BE BUSY AS EVER! I remember how much work it was to work through the mess for Enron, worldcom, united …
Thank You For Calling Bank of America
another interesting fact when moving abroad, especially China…is not only the time difference but dealing with finances from back home in USA. So, lets go through this saga step by step – 1) newyorkbarstore.com’s credit card program was bought by American express from GE corporate card – and this specific card program (productivity online) was closed and all cardholders had …
Financial Crisis & Personal Investments
as we all watch the world “collapse” I sit back and ponder. I guess I feel a bit lucky, personally, because my life savings is currently invested in my own startups rather than a stock portfolio (except my rapidly deteriorating retirement fund which I cannot touch for 40 years anyway) But we all need to sit back….should this say “why …
How to valuate these companies???
the more i study business and finance the more i learn its all a crapshoot….but there are 3 ways to valuate a company 1) book value times a multiple —– assets minus liabilities = book value. Then you get the multiple based on market value for similar companies. 2) cash flow times a multple —– how much free cash is …
Maybe I Should have gone to MBA school……
Shanghai China Disco MT3 a few nights ago Past week….was a rollercoaster….emergency call from a usa customer…..next day flight to a factory (below) 2 days of negotiation….conference calls, fighting….contracts, legal consul, everyone wants to be a “boss” until shit hits the fan. Maybe MBA school would have been a better way to learn….but then again…..what do you really learn in …