Sorry to those around me…but I am on a rampage the past couple weeks….I am just fighting like never before…..That is how I deal with things….I come at them head on. I need to be aggressive….I didn’t come this far, all the way out here to China, to get lazy, drink beer, and try to get other people to pay …
Working USA hours in China (graveyard shift)
Always since ive been in china i have had to coordinate with usa time schedule…..but the past week its become extreme….earlier this week and last i was working until 5 or 6 am….sleeping until 2 or 3pm Wake up 11pm in china – usa (ny) 10am – europe (4pm) Sleep 3pm china- usa Nyc 2am – europe – 8am But …
How to Structure NYC Retail Store Licensing + Consignment Deal
i’m back to doing USA business almost 90% of the time….think i really gotta get back to the usa and straighten some deals and alliances out. Since Shadstone took over newyorkbarstore…. i have been seeking vigorously how to improve the cash flow, here are some ideas I NEED HELP WITH #1…………….how to structure a deal like that… 1) PARTNER with …
As China Office is empty- USA is busier then ever
This longggggg China New Year holiday drives me insane – as I’m sure a lot of other business owners (chinese and foreign) – it still amazes me how a country of such size and current global influence can completely shut down – so many of my favorite restaurants are still closed. Things should start opening up again friday and the …
Lonely in New Office
I guess its like the saying goes “be careful what you wish for”. My previous office, was 1 massive room with a glass dividing wall between the office and the main room – NO privacy. So looking to move, I wanted to have multiple rooms, and areas that I could have private meetings with staff and visitors. Here is a …
Firing People in China – Watch your Back
Have to share this greatttttttttt email I received today, makes me sleep well at night. Unreal people out there like this. But I want to share, some of the after effects of firing someone. The guy lost me customers, was lazy, and did his own work during company hours. Anyway, received the below email (exact copy / paste) from a …
Ukraine is Weak – Brings Back Holiday Memories
Man, this is the ultimate t-shirt I found on busted UKRAINE IS WEAK. (hint for a late christmas gift to get me!) No, no, I am not picking on the actual country Ukraine, what I am referring to is a Seinfeld TV show where they are playing a game of Risk the entire episode. Later they are fighting on …
The World Needs Dreamers Who Perform
wondering if my uncle is giving me a hint a bout my being a dreamer …. and artist…. in some way…he just sent me this email DEAR MIKE, I THOUGHT YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN THIS ARTICLE. PARTS OF IT, I BELIEVE COULD PERTAIN TO SOME WHO ARE NOT ARTISTS. ……. ((((rest deleted from this blog entry)))………. LOVE, UNCLE BILL …
Reputation Management for Bank of America
If you’ve been following my blog, you will see posts about my difficult experiences dealing with Bank of America as I’ve been overseas in China and Asia. Two of specific note include: More Bank of America Fights – International Travel Issues Thank You For Calling Bank of America *Image, credit, found from PPC for Hire blog Now, originally when I …
Shadstone buyout of newyorkbarstore
This is another emotional transaction in my life….but in the process of transferring the assets and liabilities of the parent companies of and to shadstone hong kong company…. This parallel phenomena was the first company I incorporated… back in 2004 as a general partnership in new york city with my hometown friend and roommate Andrew Moran – which …
Interview with Friend, MBA student, Jonathan Conte
I have been spending a lot of time with my friend Jon Conte, whom I met in ITALY back in 2003 when we were part of a scholarship program for Italian Americans to learn about their heritage in Italy…..we were both living in New York at the time, so after our return from italy, we would spend times partying in …
white guys are scary barbarians
Trying to change my perspective, and noting what others have said, i would have to discuss the fact that in asia, white guys have been flagged as scary, or even barbarians. Well, if you back to “white” people, it goes to europe – an area that was in countless wars between its own countries and invading other lands. “americans” today …
why cant we be the next donald trump?
I remember being a little boy, looking upwards at adults, wow, so tall, so smart, so experienced. My problem, is in some ways i treat myself still like that little boy looking up at the big boys, why? Sure, i am 28.5 years old now, is that young/old, smart/dumb, experienced/fresh – NO I am a big boy, and why cant …
Trusting People And Scaling a Business
I have to admit, it has always been difficult for me to fully trust a person…..which, is the opposite many people think of me. Often i am told i trust too easily (especially what chinese people say about all foreigners), BUT i think my main difference is that i trust easily on a limited basis, but for full trust, that …
Paying People Off
greasing the wheels, making business move forward. How many times do people dispute and squabble over rather small issues. Usually my style is let the other guy win the specific battle, but i will work to win the overall war! Maybe some specific stories will help explain. Driving across usa with my bud scott katin back in 2003 summer – …