On the road again. My late Uncle Bill always felt that when he read my blog and my travels, rest in peace Uncle Bill. Leaving the wife and kids (again) as the theme of “getting back on the road and business development” trend I set a couple months ago continues. This time it is Chiang Mai to Bangkok to Vienna, …
Transition Time: Temple Time
Temple, series 2. The last time was in November 2021 when the markets were so hyped up. This time the world is in a different position totally – and we are all evolving and changing. My supportive wife encouraged me to check in to the temple – this time in Chiang Mai, Thailand, to undergo some mindfulness and peace. Friday, …
Nomad Capitalist Live in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Again, more networking going. Andrew Henderson started up Nomad Capitalist blog the same year as Global From Asia – 2013! Ten years later and he has really carved out an amazing community and content asset. Felt it was a good chance to meet all these “nomad capitalists” and join my first trip to a Nomad Capitalist Live event – here …
Phuket Mastermind (On the fly) to Start Networking Again
Just go with the flow sometimes. After a lot of networking in e-commerce in Thailand, got connected with Kyle an Amazon seller based in Bangkok. Connected while he was visiting Chiang Mai and mentioned how he’d just love to get a few of us together for a few days to share ideas and get to know each other. He’s careful …
Slowly Getting Back Into The Flow: Cross Border Summit Preparations
As I begin to type this out, I hesitate to use the word covid anymore, but just have to. It seriously damaged our cross-border e-commerce community and still putting the pieces back together. A huge milestone of the rebuilding of the community is the Cross Border Summit. We haven’t had one since October 2019 in Guangzhou, China – meaning it …
Back to School For The Kids, Happier than Ever
Summer is over! Thailand schools start rather early (early to mid-August). Miles and Maggie got started right in the middle- Tuesday, Aug 15 and have been looking forward to it all summer. Mike takes you a bit behind the scenes of the family flow, and life in Thailand, and asks the kids how they are doing – 1 year since …
Speaking on a Panel about the Power of Outsourcing
On Friday, September 1, those in Chiang Mai, Thailand are welcome to join us at a panel where Mike will be sharing his experiences growing, scaling, and outsourcing the e-commerce and digital marketing businesses he is involved in. If you are in Chiang Mai on the 1st of September, you should make sure to get along to this event. There’s …
Review: Ultimate Reishi Mushroom Formula
Today I want to share with you something I’ve been using to help with relaxing and better sleep – Mehdi Reishi, an organic mushroom extract. There are 3 different styles, but the one I am using in the video is the green box, which is the “ultimate” and a blend. I mix it with water, but you can mix it …
Speaking: Insider Tips: Reliable Alternatives in Asia: HKTDC Webinar
Excited to share I’ll be a speaker on Aug 31, 2023 (check link for your local timezone) online webinar hosted by HKTDC on Tips for finding alternatives in Asia. Expect my presentation to be about my experiences sourcing and shipping in Thailand. The transition to Thailand from China, and the good, the bad, and of course the ugly during it. …
Speaking at Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis (HCPP) in Prague
As I re-brand and continue to expand into web3 with ecommerce (bringing these 2 amazing skills together), I have the pleasure to speak at the next Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis conference happening Sept 29 to Oct 1, 2023, in Prague. I’ll be sharing about the Freedom and Individual Power Handshake Domains Give The People. And why the current domain system …
Rollercoasters! Family Trip to Universal Studios Singapore
YOLO – had to take the kids to finally go on a ROLLER COASTER. Can you believe – no roller coasters in Thailand? So we are here in Singapore and just had to bite the bullet and do it. Kids are at a great age to go at 7 and 9 years old and will be a lifelong memory. Tip …
Entering a Whole New Chapter – Uniting the Ecommerce + web3 Worlds
As we enter the second half of 2023, a career changing announcement was just made – Loadpipe has Acquired PurseIO. The deal is a career changer for me personally and all of our work and all of our projects. It represents the uniting of the ecommerce businesses we are in and the web3 / handshake businesses we are in. It …
Singapore with the Family in July 2023
Wendy wants the kids to be true international travelers – and took them to Kuala Lumpur while I’m here grinding in the summer of 2023. Yet she can’t have all the fun on her own – and as she and the kids travel over to Singapore I booked a flight to meet them for a few days before we all …
The Kids Made an NFT Collection: “I Love Mommy”
For the past few months, Miles and Maggie have been attending a Sunday afternoon painting class – and the artwork they bring back is top notch! They make them for various family members, mom, dad, grandma, etc. Now that some may be shipped to China – I frantically thought – we need to digitally scan these! And if we are …
Amazon FBA Meetup FBA4U April 2023
What would the Canton Fair be without Chris and Cindy’s FBA4U Amazon FBA seller meetup!? On Tuesday April 25, 2023 I was able to participate – and as a media partner via Global From Asia – had a blast recording some fun footage. The meetup is a free seller meetup to connect with other ecommerce business owners who came out …