Pressure and Anxiety: 1 week Til Cross Border Summit 2023

Pressure and Anxiety: 1 week Til Cross Border Summit 2023

In blog, business, Events, vlog by Michael Michelini

The last few months have been learning a lot about myself – from the list of conferences I’ve attended and spoken at, to the build-up for the “open border, new beginnings” Cross Border Summit organizing – even at 42 years old I am learning about myself.

In today’s vlog, I bring you with me to our “at least monthly” e-commerce meetups we do here in Chiang Mai, and walk around the CBS venue (holiday garden hotel) as we are 1 week away.

The anxiety and stress are in my blood – I can feel it in my veins passing through my body. There is a lot building up to this moment, the summit itself, but the new beginning of this community, this world.

And I am just going to say it – I am an introvert and this is not my element. But I am coping and facing it.

Probably the peak stress point right now, but feel it will all be worth it when the event happens (and then will start planning the next, only to face this peak anxiety 1 week before again next year)

Lesson for you? Go out of your comfort zone. Use stress and anxiety and fear – and face it. As my friend Alex Avanthe (from and sharing at Cross Border Summit) guides me, use calmness as a competitive advantage.

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