Arrived in Xiamen yesterday, Jojo booked me a flight at 7:40am – so I arrived here bright and early to prepare for today’s Chinese Search Marketing Expo. This year I prepared a booth and a speech – about how to sell directly in the USA market. As chinese companies need to become more competitive in today’s difficult economic environment (falling …
So Busy In Shanghai…..this city is great
I know its better past due for a blog post…I was doing great making regular posts….but I’m on business travel now…..and I seem to be on a roll….. jamming in at least 3 business meetings a day, and shanghai is not a small city!! So seems some days I bounce from one side to the other in a crazy , …
Running a international business from China – Middle Kingdom
In the Chinese language, China translated into Middle Kingdom – or middle land – and while Westerners feel Chinese are developing into the modern world, I believe Chinese feel they are the original race, and all people came from China at one point – so in essence it is the Chinese that are now allowing themselves to engage with the …
As I Have More Readers – I cannot change my purpose
Its great that each day now I hear about people enjoying to read my blog. Of course that is the first purpose I had when I first started this blog , to share my experiences starting up a company and transitioning from corporate America to entrepreneurship & small business. I remember the conversation in a New York diner, with Greg …
Dealing With Various International Cultures…..being flexible…
Every day I struggle to be sensitive to so many different cultures (ok ok, so maybe not really sensitive, but at least aware!) Being an American, I can say I grew up DUMB to international cultures….even though I spent time in a university with Indians, Chinese, and others, as well as almost 5 years living in New York City – …
Upcoming Travels in China + Southeast Asia
writing this on my mobile phone, it amazes me how open the world has become with the internet. My assistant jojo has prepared my travels for the next month, until the end of april, and this is what i have lined up: Now until march 25 – stay in shenzhen / hong kong taking care of business operations, financial cashflow …
How to Structure NYC Retail Store Licensing + Consignment Deal
i’m back to doing USA business almost 90% of the time….think i really gotta get back to the usa and straighten some deals and alliances out. Since Shadstone took over newyorkbarstore…. i have been seeking vigorously how to improve the cash flow, here are some ideas I NEED HELP WITH #1…………….how to structure a deal like that… 1) PARTNER with …
Things I want to do before I die
I am cleaning up my desktop and computer, going through tons of folders and files…rather annoying but its good to go through it on a weekend – travel back in time and remember all the hopes and dreams of the past. Some are real, others never became – or realized something else. I found a really great file, things I …
Haaaa What People Steal from Hotels
I was emailed an interesting article from a fellow blogger – Top Things People Steal From Hotels The list he outlines below is hilarious: 1. Towels. Do you really need more towels at home or do you just want to have something that says the name of the place you stayed. Most times these items are available for sale in …
more photos in Hong Kong
too lazy to write more….but basically more business card trading, brochures, dinner business meetings…and hustling! such packed city streets…….