I hope these open blog posts help others get the courage to face themselves. I think it is one of the hardest things I have done, is to learn about who I truly am – accepting my weaknesses. Photo in today’s blog is my rather lower emotional photo….taken tonight at a local Chinese BBQ stand. I am trying my best …
GOING TO USA! Startup weekend Seattle, May 18
Boom! Had an awesome startupweekend in Shenzhen last weekend, been in regular talks with global headquarters in Seattle, Washington, USA and they invited me to facilitate their Seattle startupweekend next month, from May 18 to the 20th! I wish I could take my team, Kawai, Nik, Remus – all the mentors, judges, and of course CHINESE startups…but like Kawai said, …
Winding Down My First Business, Moving Onwards + Upwards
This post is the real deal, many of my close friends have been advising me not to post this, but I’m not going to cover up, make up some fake business deal or share transfer. I am living and learning, and I am not afraid to openly blog my business and life experiences. I hope you guys get something out …
Business Tour Guide? No, I’m a Chinese E-commerce Consultant
Have had my ‘tour guide’ hat on the past couple day, and expect to keep it on for the rest of March. I was tour guide of the year at my university, being one of the first tour guides to start during my first year enrolled there. I enjoy showing people around new places and giving them insight and advice. …
Letter To Mom & Dad
I like to mix up my blog, not just talk about business…and today’s post will be a bit emotional and personal….read at your own risk!! I’m a lucky son, my dad motivates me regularly: poems and emails, and just from my memories as a child getting pushed by him. I really miss my family back home, its been the hardest …
Connecting Chinese to USA Agents – Latest Progress With Geekcook
I believe I am a connector, I enjoy doing it, and I seem to be getting better at it. Its just tough to build a platform to connect people between USA and China … still feel I need to gather research, pain points, needs from both sides. But as I have said before, one of my good friends David Zhang …
Merry Christmas From China, Expat Celebrating the holiday overseas
Many of my family and friends in back home in USA ask me how do I celebrate Christmas in China. I have been celebrating Christmas in China for the past 4 years now (almost 5), well, technically last year I crossed over to spend Christmas in Hong Kong…as I almost was here in Christmas 2007, but Spent it with my …
Do You Think an commerce store #in shop.michaelmichelini.com
Been thinking more about about the direction of the business. And I am really thinking the above idea could have an interesting twitter to today’s ecommerce + social meda. Create an online store from my blog. Put my “personal brand” behind the products we are selling. I can cross promote thosse products on this blog have discussions on the products…show …
We Americans Are A Strange People…Food Stamps Can Now Be Used To Buy Starbucks Coffee
Sometimes my blog posts upset my fellow American readers here….I do have to suggest as many Americans that can find a way to travel abroad to do so…it really opens your eyes to how other people live and makes me appreciate the freedoms and benefits of being an American. Hopefully some of my contradictory posts to an American reader can …
Welcome Doug! American SEO Joins the Team in Shenzhen, China!
NICE! Welcome Doug Pierce, aka Mr. Doug Unplugged to Shenzhen, China! He found me on this blog a while back and we had been emailing back and forth. When I announced I was taking a trip to America Doug saw I was going to be in Hoboken, NJ (nearby his place) and we arranged a meeting at a cafe to …
Startup Tuesday Discussing USA coworking + Startup communities
Had been back in Shenzhen only a few days, but needed to come up with a presentation for Startup Tuesday. What better than to review the USA coworking and startup groups I met while on my travels! (slides here) Trip To America! USA coworking spots Startups Shenzhen …. Bringing Together Shenzhen’s Startup Community! Today’s Agenda Intro – Round the room, …
Reflections + Summary of 3 Weeks in USA
Traveling to a different American city every 2-3 days over a 3 week span is extremely exhausting…but it was again eye opening and ever expanding in my “life calling and purpose”. I now more then ever feel I belong in China. I want to bridge Chinese and American internet and ecommerce…its such a challenge…and I love challenges! Here are some …
My twitter friend Zee, self published author, airport book signing!
Another blog I’m typing up on my 15 hour flight from San Francisco to Beijing, I just finished reading Zee Gorman’s book “Snowdrops and the Night Warriors” book two of the Altethlon Chronicles. I met Zee on twitter maybe a year or so ago, and we chatted about my being in China, and her being a Chinese now living in …
Remembering Why I Became An Entrepreneur, Thanks Greg!
While I wish I could visit and see all my friends in America …this country is massive and as time passes friends and family move to different parts …..hometown friends, college friends, coworkers from NY, family moving to florida, roommates in California…. One of my entrepreneur friends I have always looked up to, Greg Schwartz, unfortunately I wasn’t able to …
Finding Acceptance Being In China, Quality Visit with Mom + Dad
Many of my friends ask me, what do my parents say about me being over in China. It has been a bit of a transition, honestly when I first came to China, as I have said in previous blogs, my parents had a hard time…..I left a quality highly sought after job on Wall Street, and I moved to China …