I’m on a writing stink this morning so I may as well keep it up – Earlier in January I attended the Wake Up with Dave McClure in Hong Kong event hosted by StartupsHK and I’m so glad I did. Those not familiar with him, he founded the accelerator and startup fund 500 startups Even though it takes me about …
Featured on NJBiz Magazine For My Love of The Speed Working in China
I’m really excited to share that I was featured in a recent article in NJBiz magazine December edition (web link here) for my love of working in China. Have been getting a bunch of people, both those I knew already and those who learned about me for the first time after they read this magazine. It is widely distributed in …
2014 Year in Review
I have really been slowing down on my blog here, have been putting the Hong Kong and China business posts on Global From Asia blog and podcast and also deep into my work at Social Agent which is now Unchained Apps. But I will still be posting on the blog here more for a personal journal and reflection point of …
Speaking At PostMortem Hong Kong on Failure Experiences: “Zombie”
Recap of the PostMortem Hong Kong event we had today Nov 22, 2014. Borrowed the bio’s from the Post Mortem website and then I write up a recap of each of the sessions and what I learned. Martin Kessler, Phonejoy Martin was extremely open with his session, getting everyone a bit emotional. Discussing how he should have researched his investor …
October Has Been a Transition Month
October Has Been a Transition Month It is no secret getting married and having a child is a life changer. It helps you to focus your business and “tune out the noise” in your life. I love it! Waking up to a wife, son, and my Chinese father in law is the most fulfilling and motivating thing I have had. …
How I Filed a USA Passport for my Baby Born in China
Sharing how I filed a USA passport for my 2 week old son that was born in China. While my baby was born in China, this process is the same for anywhere outside of the United States of America.
Starting a Podcast for Social Agent – Focused on Sales Agents & Connectors
I’ve definitely learned to step outside of blogging and getting more into audio and video. Those following me saw I launched a podcast Global From Asia back in the end of October and the results have been great! And for Social Agent, my startup, I have been doing youtube interviews but wasn’t convinced on a topic for podcast. But after …
New Startup Office, Investing on Separating Home & Work
Been extremely busy lately – baby due in a bit over a month, still pushing as hard as humanly possible with my startup Social Agent, and just moving into a separate home office 1 building over from where I live. As a full-time entrepreneur over the past 7 years, I have had both fixed offices, home offices, and flexible (aka …
Sharing a USA Experience Through A Chinese Person’s Eyes
I’m still recovering from jet lag and just pure exhaustion from the 33 day USA roadtrip – back in China now for a bit over a week. And my wife Wangxia (Wendy) spent each day making a daily dairy (in Chinese) and has finally compiled and released it. She sent it to me this Sunday afternoon and I had to …
Conclusions from My USA Roadtrip
Typing this email up on my airplane from San Francisco to Seoul, Korea. Airplane rides are always kind of like a “transition” from one place to another, one state of mind to another. And I’ve been digesting the last 1 month in USA. Definitely an invaluable experience, and as always in my life – a mix of business and personal …
Hyper-Fast Memory Lane in Hartford, Connecticut
Nice to see Everyone, but so quick! Like a world wind tour – on this USA tour I am on I booked a few days in the city I was born and raised – Hartford, Connecticut. Also was nice that it worked out to be during Chinese New Years week – so the emails and workflow slowed down a little …
1st Week of our USA Roadtrip
Typing this in the passenger side of Attila’s van this Tuesday morning about 9am local time. Day 5 being back in USA, and day 2 of the road trip. Been piecing together this blog post over the last few days – definitely the adventure we were expecting. Blogging less as I’m doing tons of video, as well as weekly podcast …
2013 Year in Review
Remember last Christmas in Beijing eating pizza with my soon to be wife Wendy wondering if I (we) would live in Beijing or Shenzhen or Shanghai! Wow, how fast a year can pass! That location decision ended up being Shenzhen – mainly because my tech co-founder and other team members were primarily in Hong Kong (and Hong Kong cost of …
Experimenting with Video – New Youtube Series for Social Agent
Recently on a call with my mom and dad and they commented I haven’t been blogging as much. Well, its not because I haven’t been pushing out content! Just in a different way – both voice (Global From Asia podcast) and video (Social Agent youtube video series). I can credit the DCBKK seminar I went to in Bangkok for finally …
6 Months Before I’m a Father, Again Reinventing Myself
It’s Saturday night – I skipped out on a wine and cheese networking event – have been much less social than usual. But much more focused. I feel its what some would consider “re-inventing”, or maybe others would call maturing. Others maybe growing as a human being. I’m embracing it, and I will continue to “reinvent” until I find that …